


등록일 2008.08.19 / 작성자 이성하 / 조회수 195  
The Old Testament Library / Beyerlin, Walter 221.7-O44o2-주석 Westminster Press 1972

Theology of the Old Testament / Eichrodt, Walther 221.7-O44o2-주석 Westminster Press 1961

Theology of the Old Testament. 1 : a commentary / Eichrodt, Walther 221.7-O44o-주석 SCM Press 1975

Theology of the Old Testament. 2 : a commentary / Eichrodt, Walther 221.7-O44o-주석 SCM Press 1982

Theology of the Old Testament. v,2 / Eichrodt, Walther 221.6-E34t The Westminster Press 1967

Theology of the Old Testament. v.1 / Eichrodt, Walther 221.6-E34t The Westminster Press 1961

구약성서신학 / 이히로트, 발터 221.01-E34t구 크리스챤다이제스트 1994

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