

해외 e-book 신간 리스트

등록일 2012.02.09 / 작성자 JYM0721 / 조회수 175  

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번호 서명 저자 출판사
1 Theology and the boundary discourse of human rights Regan, Ethna. Georgetown University Press
2 Christianity and contemporary politics : the conditions and possibilities of faithful witness Bretherton, Luke. Wiley-Blackwell
3 Awaken the leader within : how the wisdom of Jesus can unleash your potential Perkins, Bill Treasure Pub
4 The essential Aquinas : writings on philosophy, religion, and society Thomas Praeger
5 A Christian manifesto  Schaeffer, Francis A. Christianaudio
6 Christianity and the state in Asia : complicity and conflict Bautista, Julius. Routledge
7 Nouvelle theologie and sacramental ontology : a return to mystery Boersma, Hans Oxford University Press
8 Abstracts of Karl Rahner's unserialized essays  Pekarske, Daniel T. Marquette University Press
9 Theological aesthetics after Von Balthasar Balthasar, Hans Urs von Ashgate
10 Christianity and power politics today : Christian realism and contemporary political dilemmas Patterson, Eric Palgrave Macmillan
11 Theological quodlibeta in the Middle Ages : the fourteenth century Schabel, Christopher David. Brill
12 John Wyclif's Discourse on dominion in community Boreczky, Elemér. Brill
13 Religion and the politics of tolerance : how Christianity builds democracy Eisenstein, Marie A. Baylor University Press
14 The future of faith in American politics : the public witness of the evangelical center Gushee, David P. Baylor University Press
15 Christian voices : journeys through faith and politics in contemporary American Protestantism Floyd, Charlene Praeger
16 A theology of criticism : Balthasar, postmodernism, and the Catholic imagination Murphy, Michael P. Oxford University Press
17 A theology of public life  Mathewes, Charles T. Cambridge University Press
18 The ethics of human rights : contested doctrinal and moral issues Reed, Esther D. Baylor University Press
19 Believing scholars : ten Catholic intellectuals Heft, James. Fordham University Press
20 Rewritten theology : Aquinas after his readers Jordan, Mark D. Blackwell Pub
21 Christianity and liberal society  Song, Robert. Oxford University Press
22 Politics as a Christian vocation : faith and democracy today Gamwell, Franklin I. Cambridge University Press
23 A Christian perspective on political thought  Mott, Stephen Charles. Oxford University Press
24 Mediaeval commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard : current research. Volume 1 : Current research Peter Lombard Brill
25 Religion and violence in early American Methodism : taking the kingdom by force Williams, Jeffrey Indiana University Press
26 John Calvin's American legacy Davis, Thomas J. Oxford University Press
27 Catholicism : a very short introduction O'Collins, Gerald. Oxford University Press
28 Lutheran ecclesiastical culture, 1550-1675 Kolb, Robert Brill
29 Christianity in action : the international history of the Salvation Army Gariepy, Henry Christianaudio
30 Marpeck : a life of dissent and conformity Klaassen, Walter Herald Press
31 The Lutherans  Lagerquist, L. DeAne. Greenwood Press
32 American saint : Francis Asbury and the Methodists Wigger, John H. Oxford University Press
33 Puritanism : a very short introduction Bremer, Francis J. Oxford University Press
34 The Presbyterian controversy : fundamentalists, modernists, and moderates Longfield, Bradley J. Oxford University Press
35 Keepers of the covenant : frontier missions and the decline of Congregationalism, 1774-1818 Rohrer, James R. Oxford University Press
36 The Puritan ordeal Delbanco, Andrew Harvard University Press
37 The religious culture of the Huguenots, 1660-1750  Dunan-Page, Anne. Ashgate
38 Adaptations of Calvinism in Reformation Europe : essays in honour of Brian G. Armstrong Armstrong, Brian G. Ashgate
39 A spiritual home : life in British and American Reformed congregations, 1830-1915 Cashdollar, Charles D. Pennsylvania State University Press
40 A history of the Church. Vol. 2 : The church and the world the church created  Hughes, Philip Sheed and Ward
41 C.H. Spurgeon autobiography. Volume 2 : The full harvest, 1860-1892  Spurgeon, C. H. Blackstone Audio
42 The conciliarist tradition  Oakley, Francis. Oxford University Press
43 Historical dictionary of Seventh-Day Adventists Land, Gary Scarecrow Press
44 A short history of the Catholic church  Holmes, J. Derek. Burns & Oates
45 Historical dictionary of the Salvation Army  Merritt, John G. Scarecrow Press
46 Historical dictionary of the Puritans  Pastoor, Charles Scarecrow Press
47 Preachers by night : the Waldensian Barbes, 15th-16th centuries Audisio, Gabriel. Brill
48 The Blackwell companion to Catholicism Buckley, James Joseph Blackwell Pub
49 God speaks to us, too : Southern Baptist women on church, home, and society Shaw, Susan M. University Press of Kentucky
50 Baptist and Methodist faiths in America  Ingersoll, Julie. Facts On File
51 Charles Wesley and the struggle for Methodist identity Lloyd, Gareth Oxford University Press
52 Uplifting the people : three centuries of Black Baptists in Alabama Fallin, Wilson University of Alabama Press
53 Encyclopedia of Catholicism Flinn, Frank K. Facts On File
54 Practicing Catholic : ritual, body, and contestation in Catholic faith Morrill, Bruce T. Palgrave Macmillan
55 Selected writings of Girolamo Savonarola : religion and politics, 1490-1498 Savonarola, Girolamo Yale University Press
56 Methodism : empire of the spirit Hempton, David. Yale University Press
57 Popes, cardinals and war : the military church in Renaissance and early modern Europe Chambers, David Tauris :Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan
58 Martin Luther : lionhearted reformer Morrison, John Arch Blackstone Audiobooks
59 Community of the cross : Moravian piety in colonial Bethlehem Atwood, Craig D. Pennsylvania State University Press
60 Lesslie Newbigin : a theological life Wainwright, Geoffrey Oxford University Press
61 Luther  Mullett, Michael A. Routledge
62 Baptists in America  Leonard, Bill. Columbia University Press
63 The Cambridge companion to Martin Luther  Luther, Martin Cambridge University Press
64 Martin Luther  Mullett, Michael A. Routledge
65 Wesley and the Wesleyans Kent, John Cambridge University Press
66 Roman Catholicism : the basics Walsh, Michael J. Routledge
67 The rise of Baptist republicanism Smith, Oran P. New York University Press
68 The Brazilian popular church and the crisis of modernity  Va?squez, Manuel A. Cambridge University Press
69 Primitive Baptists of the wiregrass south : 1815 to the present Crowley, John G. University Press of Florida
70 God's rascal : J. Frank Norris & the beginnings of Southern fundamentalism Hankins, Barry University Press of Kentucky
71 Varieties of Ultramontanism Von Arx, Jeffrey Paul Catholic University of America Press
72 The quality of mercy : Southern Baptists and social Christianity, 1890-1920 Harper, Keith University of Alabama Press
73 The new crusades, the new Holy Land : conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, 1969-1991 Morgan, David T. University of Alabama Press
74 The conquest of poverty : the Calvinist revolt in sixteenth century France Heller, Henry. EJ Brill
75 Tenacious of their liberties : the Congregationalists in colonial Massachusetts Cooper, James F. Oxford University Press
76 In the name of the Father : the rhetoric of the new Southern Baptist Convention Kell, Carl L. Southern Illinois University Press
77 Popular religion and liberation : the dilemma of liberation theology Candelaria, Michael R. State University of New York Press
78 The struggle is one : voices and visions of liberation Puleo, Mev State University of New York Press
79 Redeeming the South : religious cultures and racial identities among Southern Baptists, 1865-1925 Harvey, Paul University of North Carolina Press