

A Semantic and Structural Analysis of the Johannine Epistles (Semantic and Structural Analyses series)
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of the Johannine Epistles (Semantic and Structural Analyses series)
저자 : Grace Sherman
출판사 : SummerInstituteofLinguistics
출판년 : 1994
ISBN : 9781556710087


The books in this series are analytical commentaries on the Greek text of New Testament books. Each book first identifies the high-level semantic components of the text and indicates the relationships between them. These components are then further analyzed to identify sub-components and their relationships. This process is continued until the basic units of communication, called propositions, are identified. These propositions are stated in semantically unskewed English glosses. Theme statements for paragraphs and larger units are derived from the analysis. A discussion of the evidence supporting the analysis is also given.