

교양 영어 사전 2 (The Story Dictionary of English Etymology)
교양 영어 사전 2 (The Story Dictionary of English Etymology)
저자 : 강준만
출판사 : 인물과사상사
출판년 : 2013
ISBN : 9788959062454


네이티브 스피커도 잘 모르는 영어 어원,
그들도 작업하기 쉽지 않은 ‘영어 어원 사전’이 탄생하다

영어에서 자유로운 한국인이 어디 있을까? 토익과 토플 점수가 취업과 생존에 필수적인 스펙이 된 시대, 우리말도 제대로 못하는 갓난아이 때부터 영어 교육을 받는 한국인에게 영어는 피할 수 없는 숙명이다. 영어가 숙명이라면 담담하게 받아들일 수밖에 없다. 그렇다고 힘들고 억지로 영어를 배워야 한다면 그 숙명은 얼마나 가혹할까? 그래서 기왕 공부할 거라면 영어 공부를 쉽고 재미있게 할 수 있는 책이 나왔다.

501개로 구성된 『교양 영어 사전 1』과 마찬가지로 이책은 502개 키워드로 구성되어 영어 단어?숙어의 뿌리를 밝히는 에피소드를 풍부하게 실었을 뿐만 아니라 자연스레 영어를 즐기고 생각하고 배우는 계기가 된다. 그러면서 저자는 “우리 언어생활에서 쓰이는 외래어나 외국어를 통해 한국어와 우리의 것에 대한 공부도 더 충실히 할 수 있다”고 말한다.

수백 권이 넘는 관련 서적이 본문에 2,000개가 넘는 주석으로 빼곡히 달려 있으며. 책 뒤쪽에 실려 있는 일반 단행본 한 권에 육박하는 엄청난 부피의 주석으로 심도 깊은 이해가 가능하다. 방대한 분량의 영어 어원 이야기를 한 권으로 만나 볼 수 있다.


머리말 ‘뿌리 찾기’의 즐거움

absent / affluenza / age / Alabama / Alaska / amateur / ambient / anger / appearance / appeasement / Arizona / ash / astral / Atlanta Compromise / attention / Audi / authoritarian / authority / autoeroticism

back-to-back / baguette / balkanize / Barbie / basket case / Benedict Arnold / Berkeley / bestseller / bible / bikini / Bircher / black capitalism / blink / blitz / block / Bloody Mary / blurb / board / bobbitt / body odor / boondoggle / bottle / boycott / bra burner / BRICs / bright / broadcasting / broker / brother / brovvn / brovvse / BTL / bucket / bully / bundle / bunk / bureaucracy / burke / business / BYOD

Cadillac / call / call girl / Camelot / candidate / capitalism / car / care / caste / cause / celebrity / change / charisma / charity / chase / chauvinism / Checkers speech / cheese / cherry picker / Chevrolet / Chinese / Chrysler / churn / Cincinnati / circle / circus / city / clam / clean / cloud / Coca-Cola / cocoon / cod / coffee / coin / collaborate / common sense / communication / community / company / compassion fatigue / conscience / conservation / conservatism / consumer / containment / Cool Britannia / courage / covvard / cradle / crime / crocodile tears / crowdsourcing / cruel / cry / cuff / curation / custom / customer / cybersspace / cybersquatting / cynicism

data smog / deal / debt / Deep Throat / definition / democracy / desire / destiny / detail / digital Maoism / digital narcissism / dignity / dilemma / dime / Dirty Dozen / disco / dive / door / dope / dream / dress / drone / dust / Dutch / DVVI

economy / education / emotional labor / empathy / enemy / entertainment / enthusiasm / envelope / equal / err / euphemism / experience / experiential marketing

Facebook / fail / family / far / fascism / fashion / Father's Day / fault / fear / fellovv traveler / fence / filibuster / flannel / flash mob / flattery / flop / Florida / flovver / flovver child / fool / force / forget / forgive / Formica / fort / Frankenstein / freedom / Frisbee / fun / future

gamut / gaushe caviar / gauntlet / gentrification / glass ceiling / global village / glove / GMO / Gollivvog / Google / Google Glass / gossip / governance / government / Great Compromise / green / grin / grooming _307/ grotesque / G-string / guest / guillotine / guy

halcyon days / happiness / hash / hatred / have / havvk and dove / hay / health / heckle / hindsight / history / hoi polloi / hoist / hold / hooligan / horserace journalism / hot dog / humbug / husband / hybrid / hybrid car / hypocrite

I / idea / identity / identity politics / ignorance / IKEA / imperial presidency / indentured servant / individualism / inferiority / ingratiation / insult / integrity / Invictus / iPod / island

jazz / jean / jezebel / judge

kiss / KISS principle / knickerbockers / knot / Kodak / kudos

language / laugh / lavv / lay / leadership / Lego / liberty / lie / life / Linux / listen / Listerine / loin / loneliness / lounge lizard / love / love hotel / luck / luxury

Mae VVest / mafia / manner / map / marathon / marriage / masturbation / McCarthyism / memory / meritocracy / mesmerize / military-industrial complex / mill / minute / Miranda rule / moderation / mole / mollycoddle / momentum / mommy track / money / moss / motel / Mother's Day / motivation / Ms. / multi-tasking / music / Mustang / mystery shopper

negro / nepotism / nerd / nettle / netvvork effect / Nevv England / nice / Nike / NIMBY / nit / noblesse oblige / nostalgia / nudge / nylon

oat / obscenity / ombudsman / once / opportunity / optimism / Orchestra Pit Theory
/ orientation / outlier / outsourcing / Oxbridge / oxymoron

Palindrome / Pandora's box / past / patriotism / peg / perfect storm / persona / personification / pessimism / philistine / philosophy / phishing / pickle / pigeon / pike / pin / pink / piss / pit / platform / plea / pocket / poinsettia / politician / politics / pony / popularity / posh / positive thinking / poverty / povver / practice / praise / prayer / prejudice / president / private / propaganda / proud / prove / punch

quarantine / quits / quixotic

racism / rankism / reality distortion field / reason / reengineering / religion / responsibility / revolution / rhetoric / rip / river / room / rubber / rugged individualism

safe / Samaritan / sandwich / sarcastic / Schadenfreude / Scotch Tape / scrape / secret / self-esteem / self-respect / separate but equal / serendipity / shadovv / shake / Siamese tvvins / sideburns / sidekick / silence / Silicon Valley / simplicity / sinecure / single-issue politics / sitcom / slum / slut vvalk / smog / solitude / Spain / speech / spur / squatting / stand / Starbucks / stereotype / Stockdale Paradox / stop / Strange Fruit / streak / streamline / street / strike / string / stump / subtle / suburb / success / suffer / sugar / svvashbuckler / svveat / Svvinging London / svvoop / synchronization

tantalize / tavvdry / tax / TBD / tea / technology / teenager / telenovela / television / tent / tenure / terror / Thanksgiving Day / theory / Think Different / time / toilet / tolerance / totem pole / trade dress / Tragedy of the Commons / Transcendentalism / travel / trial / trick / trilemma / trump / trust / try / tulip / turd blossom / Twitter

ugly / university

vanity / variety / veep / Velvet Revolution / Vermont / Vodka / volume / voucher

waffle / wagon / wannabe / war / weakness / whining / woman / world / write / Wyoming



zeal / zest

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