

Handel, Geoge Frideric
Messiah / the 250 TH Anniversary Performance - [LD] / Geoge Frideric Handel(작곡) ; Neville Marriner(연주)
USA : PHILIPS, 1992.
2 disk : stereo ; 30cm.
v.1.-- Side1-- 1.Titles (0'49")-- 2.Symphony (2'59")-- (No1. Accompagnato)3.Comfort ye, My people (2'36")-- (No.2 Air)4.Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (3'11")-- (No.3 Chorus)5.And the glory of the Lord (2'55")-- (No.4 Accompagnato)6.Thus saith the Lord-- (1'32")-- (No.5 Air)7.But who may abide the day of his coming (4'22)-- (No.6 Chorus)8.And He shall purofy the sonsof Levi (2'21")-- (No.7 Recitative)9.Behold, a virgin shall conciev (5'43")_(Nos 8~9 Air and Chorus)O thou that tellest good tidings-- (No.10 Accompaganato)10.For Behold (5'26")_(No.11 Air)The People that walked in darkness-- (No.12 Chorus)11.For unto us a Child is born (3'57")-- (No.13 Pifa)12.Pastoral Symphony (1'09")-- (No.14 Recitative)13.There were shepherds (3'24")_(Accompagnato)And lo, the angel of the Lord_(Recitative)And the angel said unto them_(Accompagnato)And suddenly there was_(No.15 Chorus)Glory to God in the highest-- (No.16 Air)14.Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion (4'33")-- (No.17a Recitative)15.Then shall the eyes of the blind (5'44")_(No.18a Deut)He shall feed His flock-- (No.19 Chorus)16.His yoke is easy (2'19")-- Side2-- (No.20 Chorus)1.Behold the Lamb of God (2'43")-- (No.21 Air)2.He was despised (8'58")-- (No.22 Chorus)3.Surely He hath borne our griefs (6'26")_(No.23 chorus)And with His strips we are healed_(No.24 Chorus)All we like sheep-- (No.25 Accompagnato)4.All they that see Him (2'45")_(No.26 Chorus)He trusted in God-- (No.27 Accompagnato)5.Thy rebuke hath broken His heart (2'51")_(No.28 Arioso)Behold, and see-- (No.29 Accompagnato)6.He was cut off (2'16")_(No.30 Aria)But Thou didst not leave-- (No.31 Chorus)7.Lift up your heads (2'54")-- (No.32 Recitative)8.Unto which of the angels (1'47")_(No.33 Chorus)Let all the angels of God-- (No.34a Air)9.Thou art gone up on high (3'11")-- (No.35 Chorus)10.The Lord gave the word (1'07")-- (No.36 Air)11.How beautiful are the feet (2'21")-- (No.37a Arioso)12.Their sound is gone out (5'35")_(No.38 Air)Why do the nations_(No.39 Chorus)Let us break their bonds asunder-- (No.40 Recitative)13.He that dwelleth in heaven (2'09")_(No.41 Aria)Thou shalt break them-- (No.42 Chorus)14.Hallelujah (3'54") v.2.-- Side3-- (No.43 Air)1.I know that my redeemer liveth (5'29")-- (No.44 Chorus)2.Since by man came death (1'52")-- (No.45 Accompagnato)3.Behold, I tell you a mystery (9'05")_(No.46 air)The trumpet shall sound-- (No.47 Recitative)4.Then shall be brought to pass (3'38")_(No.48 Deut)O death, where is thy sting?_(No.49 Chorus)But thanks be to God-- (No.50 Air)5.If God be for us (4'03")-- (No.51 Chorus)6.Worthy is the Lamb Blessing and honour Amen (6'42")-- 7.Credits (1'39")-- ("For Ever And Ever")8.Documentary (22'19")
연주자,배역진 주기  
Marriner, Neville
연주자,배역진 주기  
Academy and Chorus of St Martin
기타 저자  
Marriner, Neville
기타 저자  
Academy and Chorus of St Martin
Control Number  
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CM010904 LD  보존 2267 v.1 보존서고(LD,LP) 열람만 가능(이용문의는 복합자료실) 열람만 가능(이용문의는 복합자료실)
CM010905 LD  보존 2267 v.2 보존서고(LD,LP) 열람만 가능(이용문의는 복합자료실) 열람만 가능(이용문의는 복합자료실)

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