

Defining the Self in a Relational Philosophical Theology- [e-book]
Defining the Self in a Relational Philosophical Theology- [e-book]
Trelstad, Marit Anne
Defining the Self in a Relational Philosophical Theology - [e-book]
Claremont, California : The Claremont Graduate University, 2000.
265 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 60-12, Section: A, page: 4477.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Claremont Graduate University, 2000.
요약 : The main goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate the unique value of the self's agency in relation to God and other human beings in at least two aspects: the freedom of the agent to initiate her own action against deterministic influences from other agents and from the past, and the freedom and right to act in her own interest and self-creation. This is not an issue of individuality versus relationality, but rather clarifying and liberating the agential subjectivity of the individual within the context of relationality. The balance of individual agency and freedom within the relational matrix of life opposes an overemphasis on either the individual or its relations. The dissertation begins with an outline of the problem to be addressed, the thesis and explanation of the relevance of this work for feminism, in the introduction. Chapter one discusses the history of women's subjectivity being suppressed by viewing women as “possessed” or “possessions.” Chapter two outlines twentieth century philosophical approaches defining the self in relation to others, in terms of agency, and this includes the work of Sartre, Marcel, Buber, Mounier, and MacMurray. Chapter three discusses human agency in relation to God and human communities from the work of feminist theologians: Daly, McFague, Johnson, and LaCugna. In chapter four, the work of Whitehead is examined as it describes a helpful balance between a related self and a defined self, and it illustrates process philosophy's insights on the relation of humanity to God which maintains the importance of human agency. From this basis, chapter five develops the work of feminist process theologians (Suchocki, Case-Winters, Nelson, and Keller) who have utilized the process model in their own work and yet fail to clearly outline the subjective agent in their relational theologies. The final chapter utilizes the tools offered from the research of previous chapters to construct a theological and anthropological self-in-relation where the agency of the subject is clearly, individually defined. There is also a section on the practical applications of this philosophical theology.
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