

Disciples and Christology in the Gospel of John: The contrasting function of disciples in Greco-Roman biography and the Fourth Gospel- [e-book]
Disciples and Christology in the Gospel of John: The contrasting function of disciples in Greco-Roman biography and the Fourth Gospel- [e-book]
Elson, Thomas O.
Disciples and Christology in the Gospel of John: The contrasting function of disciples in Greco-Roman biography and the Fourth Gospel - [e-book]
Pasadena, California : Fuller Theological Seminary, 2001.
271 p.
Supervisor: Marianne Meye Thompson.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2001.
요약 : This dissertation argues that the disciples function positively throughout the Gospel of John to make affirmations about Jesus that are crucial for comprehending who he is. Chapter One reviews scholarly literature concerned with the disciples in the Gospel of John. Much of this literature contends that, because of their repeated misunderstandings, the disciples function negatively, and so become foils for the Evangelist's positive presentation of Jesus. Chapter Two sets this dissertation's argument against a discussion of the function of disciples in Greco-Roman biography. Disciples are seldom used in ancient biography to advance one's knowledge and understanding of the hero of the biography. The negligible role disciples play in presenting the hero of a biography stands in marked contrast with their function in the Fourth Gospel. Chapter Three argues, through exegesis of pertinent passages, that the Evangelist depicts the disciples as apologists for Jesus, disclosing Jesus' messianic identity primarily through their affirmations of him. Even where their understanding is less than complete, the disciples evidence an important level of understanding and commitment to Jesus. The Evangelist thus portrays the disciples as those whose witness concerning Jesus becomes essential for the reader to know Jesus completely, demonstrating the Fourth Evangelist's positive configuration of them in the Gospel of John. Chapter Four suggests several implications for understanding the Gospel of John taken from the positive portrayal of the disciples as those who make Jesus known.
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Thompson, Marianne Meye
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