

Giving an account: Working-class voices of faith in the workplace- [e-book]
Giving an account: Working-class voices of faith in the workplace- [e-book]
Delahunt, Joseph Cavanaugh
Giving an account: Working-class voices of faith in the workplace - [e-book]
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton Theological Seminary, 2001.
97 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 62-03, Section: A, page: 1081.
Advisers: Nancy J. Duff; H. Dana Fearon.
Thesis (D.Min.)--Princeton Theological Seminary, 2001.
요약 : Many people experience a gap between their church experience and the everyday reality of work. Sociological analyses of secularization connect this personal experience with processes variously identified as compartmentalization, structural differentiation, and, privatization. In these processes occupational life is increasingly freed from the control and influence of religious institutions. Religious institutions themselves may reinforce the separation of faith from work.
요약 : The theological perspective underlying this project affirms that Jesus is Lord of all spheres of life, public and private, religious and secular. If churches acquiesce to the compartmentalization or privatization of faith in Christ, they deny the lordship of Christ and drive those seeking spiritual meaning and direction for their work to split off “spirituality” from religious institutions.
요약 : The bulk of the literature addressing these issues offers its analyses and prescriptions without demonstrating that careful attention has been paid to what people themselves say about their work and its connection or non-connection to their faith. The relatively small amount of research that has been done in this regard has focused on white collar workers and professionals. This project focuses on working-class people.
요약 : The author interviewed ten members of Silliman Memorial Baptist Church who work in working-class jobs. He found that the strong connections they make between their faith and their work contravene expectations based on a simplistic understanding of secularization. Their experience may be evidence of a process of deprivitization in American society. The report develops the key biblical themes of curse, calling, ministry, and, the image of God, as components of a theology of work. The conclusion relates what can be learned from the participants about integrating faith and work, reflecting on how churches can equip their members for ministry in their work.
기타 저자  
Duff, Nancy J.
기타 저자  
Fearon, H. Dana
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