

They Ceased not to preach: Fundamentalism, culture, and the revivalist imperative at the Temple Baptist Church of Detroit- [e-book]
They Ceased not to preach: Fundamentalism, culture, and the revivalist imperative at the Temple Baptist Church of Detroit- [e-book]
Curlew, Douglas James
They Ceased not to preach: Fundamentalism, culture, and the revivalist imperative at the Temple Baptist Church of Detroit - [e-book]
East Lansing, Michigan : Michigan State University, 2001.
456 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 62-06, Section: A, page: 2211.
Chair: Sidney Fine.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Michigan, 2001.
요약 : Motivated by a perceived biblical imperative to “win” as many “souls” as possible, Protestant revivalists active in the United States from the eighteenth through twentieth centuries regularly adopted new methodologies and accommodated contemporary cultural tastes in their efforts to communicate to a broad audience a small core of doctrines derived from a literalist reading of the Bible.
요약 : When advocates of nonliteralist theology became tolerated voices within various Protestant denominations during the first half of the twentieth century, a significant minority of Protestants who espoused the soul-winning imperative and literalist theology of the revivalists left the denominations, believing themselves bound by a second biblical imperative to separate themselves from theological error. These separatists, who demanded both personal separation from unbiblical conduct and ecclesiastical separation from groups not espousing a literal reading of the Bible, constituted the American Protestant fundamentalist movement.
요약 : Rooted in both the culturally adaptive heritage of revivalism and the reactionary heritage of separatism, American fundamentalism has always remained fragmented over the various balances between these two competing imperatives adopted by its constituent groups and individuals.
요약 : The history of the Temple Baptist Church of Detroit displays the divisive manifestations of this inherent tension within fundamentalism. Led into the separatist movement in 1935, when J. Frank Norris succeeded the more moderate Albert Johnson as pastor, the Temple Baptist Church under Norris (1935-1950), G. B. Vick (1950-1975), and A. V. Henderson (1975-1984) maintained both strict demands for separation and a revival-oriented soul-winning program. This particular balance of the conflicting revivalist and separatist imperatives achieved steady growth until 1956, when attendance at the church exceeded 4,400. Attendance declines led later pastors, Truman Dollar (1984-1988) and Bradley Powell (1990 to the present), to abandon the methodologies and to moderate the separatist demands of the Norris/Vick/Henderson period in pursuit of an alternative balance more accommodating to cultural preferences of their own era. The resulting conflict and defection of Temple Baptist members illustrate the divisions within the broader fundamentalist movement over this balancing of the revivalist and separatist imperatives.
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Fine, Sidney
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