

The impact of Francis Schaeffer on selected American Evangelical social thinkers- [e-book]
The impact of Francis Schaeffer on selected American Evangelical social thinkers- [e-book]
Outlaw, William David
The impact of Francis Schaeffer on selected American Evangelical social thinkers - [e-book]
Cordova : Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001.
219 p.
Adviser: John Mahony.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001.
요약 : Evangelical social activism became prominent in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Most noticeable was the activity in American politics and social criticism concerning issues like abortion. Such participation represented a change from an earlier position which sought to separate religious beliefs from political life.
요약 : This dissertation examines a major influence upon key evangelical critics. Francis Schaeffer was a Presbyterian missionary to Switzerland who established, L'Abri, a retreat center where people were invited to come and discuss the hard issues of life that challenged their faith. While some participants were agnostic or atheistic, others were Christians who found their faith plagued by questions and doubts.
요약 : Schaeffer's writing emerged from his ministry experiences at L'Abri and addressed complex questions surrounding the nature of the Christian faith. Starting with a thoroughly Christian worldview, Schaeffer sought to develop a social ethic that would address the needs and concerns of contemporary culture. This ethic was firmly built upon a Reformed foundation.
요약 : Schaeffer's worldview established his vision for the Church. He saw the Church's responsibility in the world as that of a community of believers demonstrating love and truth in their lives together and with those outside the faith. He then engaged particular cultural issues in an attempt to clarify a Christian position on those matters. Such issues included: pollution, art, abortion, and the Christian's relationship to the state.
요약 : Many in the evangelical community read and implement Schaeffer's thoughts and suggestions. Among these were key individuals who led others to analyze Schaeffer's writing. These leaders include: Charles Colson, John Whitehead, Os Guinness, Tim LaHaye, and Randall Terry.
요약 : This dissertation concludes that Schaeffer's influence upon evangelical social thinkers was both significant and positive. He assisted the evangelical community by modeling a social ethic that fit consistently in flow of historical Christian thought. This ethic also substantially addressed issues of current concern. His writings clearly influenced leaders who perpetuated a social ethic developed within a Christian worldview.
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Mahony, John
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