

A Christological approach to virtue- [e-book] : Augustine and humility
A Christological approach to virtue- [e-book] : Augustine and humility
Ruddy, Deborah Wallace
A Christological approach to virtue - [e-book] : Augustine and humility / by Deborah Wallace Ruddy
Chestnut Hill : Boston College, 2001.
308 p.
Adviser: Michael Himes.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Boston College, 2001.
요약 : Humility has become an unpopular, even forgotten, virtue in contemporary Western culture. Central throughout most of Christian history, its value today has changed dramatically. Within Christian circles, the world-affirming and liberating dimensions of the gospel have led to questions about whether humility frustrates human flourishing and fosters a passive acceptance of injustice. Several feminist scholars have argued that humility can exacerbate women's struggle for self-identity and empowerment. At this time, St. Augustine's work is worth exploring because he both places humility at the center of Christian life and provides a Christological hermeneutic for distinguishing between true and false humility. According to Augustine, all Christian virtues are rooted in this foundational Christian attribute revealed in Jesus Christ.
요약 : The first and last chapters respectively introduce contemporary criticism of humility and then evaluate it in light of Augustine's thought. Chapters two and three explore Augustine's claim that humility is at the heart of who Christ is and what his disciples are to become (Matthew 11:29). The way that God saves us is inseparable from salvation itself: "our very salvation in Christ consists in the humility of Christ." (Serm. 285.4). In other words, humility is more than simply moral; it is soteriological, for it describes the very logic of our reconciliation with God in Jesus Christ. Through humility, Christ confronts our pride, mediates between humanity and divinity, and empties himself in love for our sake. Chapter four examines how Johann Baptist Metz offers resources for a contemporary renewal of humility through his historically and politically conscious account of "poverty of spirit," relating it to modern forms of alienation and exploitation. In a mutually corrective reading of Augustine and Metz, humility emerges as the source of both a Christian anthropology and a more radical, active love that calls us out of ourselves into solidarity and communion. The twofold shape of Christ-like humility, as true self-knowledge and self-emptying (Philippians 2), reveals the expansive and liberating nature of this virtue too often aligned with a privatized and somber Christianity.
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Himes, Michael
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Boston Boston College 2001
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