

The appropriation of Irenaeus in the theological works of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Jurgen Moltmann- [e-book]
The appropriation of Irenaeus in the theological works of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Jurgen Moltmann- [e-book]
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Aderholt, Billy Joe
The appropriation of Irenaeus in the theological works of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Jurgen Moltmann - [e-book] : by Billy Joe Aderholt Jr.
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Louisville : The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001.
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284 p.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 63-02, Section: A, page: 0629.
General Note  
Chair: Craig Blaising.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001.
요약This dissertation examines the manner in which Wolthart Pannenberg and Jurgen Moltmann appropriate the theology of Irenaeus in their theological works. Chapter One briefly examines the six Irenaean themes and the manner the themes are appropriated by Pannenberg and Moltmann.
요약Chapter 2 begins with a brief examination of the Gnostic threat to patristic orthodox theology. The chapter argues that Irenaeus' theology is an attempt to overcome the epistemological-ontological dualism of the Gnostic heresy.
요약Chapter 3 begins with an examination of the development of Pannenberg's new theological methodology and its intent to overcome the deficiencies in modern theology. The chapter proceeds to examine the manner in which Pannenberg appropriates the theology of Irenaeus in his theological methodology and doctrinal formulations.
요약Chapter 4 begins with the argument that Moltmann develops his theological hermeneutic as a means to keep Christian theology contextually relevant. The chapter then examines Moltmann's appropriation of Irenaeus in his theological hermeneutic and doctrinal formulations.
요약Chapter 5 begins with a recapitulation of the Irenaean themes and the role they play in the theology of Pannenberg and Moltmann. The chapter ends with an examination of the question; who best appropriates the theology of Irenaeus. The chapter concludes that Pannenberg's appropriation of Irenaeus is more in line with the original intent of Irenaeus' theology.
요약This work intends to show that Pannenberg and Moltmann appropriate the theology of Irenaeus to overcome the deficiencies in modern theology. Both Pannenberg and Moltmann appropriate the theology of Irenaeus in their theological hermeneutic and doctrinal formulations. Moreover, this work will contend that Pannenberg appropriates the theology of Irenaeus to develop a concept of Christian theology as the objective truth of all reality. Whereas, Moltmann appropriates the theology of Irenaeus to demonstrate the eschatological nature of theology and the need to reformulate traditional Christian doctrines in light of new cultural contexts.
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Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Religion, Philosophy of
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Blaising, Craig
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