

Spirit Baptism: A study of three contemporary approaches- [e-book]
Spirit Baptism: A study of three contemporary approaches- [e-book]
Im, Hyung Geun
Spirit Baptism: A study of three contemporary approaches - [e-book]
Pasadena : Fuller Theological Seminary, 2002.
259 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 63-06, Section: A, page: 2282.
Advisers: Colin Brown; Cecil M. Robeck.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2002.
요약 : To help understand three approaches to the doctrine of baptism in the Holy Spirit, the dissertation has surveyed a historical background in part I. The research has revealed that the Roman Catholic tradition generally views the work of the Holy Spirit in two aspects or dimensions. Though Catholic sacramental theologians do not agree in the explanation of the work of the Holy Spirit at water baptism, it is generally recognized that it is distinguishable from the work of the Holy Spirit at confirmation. The Reformed tradition, however, the dissertation has indicated, tends to identify baptism in the Holy Spirit with regeneration. The dissertation has pointed out that this tendency has to do with the Reformers' attitude against the confirmation theology and their theological preference to place everything in the conversion experience. Concerning the Classical Pentecostal position, the dissertation noted that its dominant atmosphere is on the power motif rather than the holiness motif. Though there are variations in the Classical Pentecostal position, the ultimate emphasis is generally laid on power. In this respect, it is distinguishable from the Wesleyan Holiness position.
요약 : The dissertation compared three contemporary approaches to Spirit baptism in Part II. Robert P. Menzies, a Classical Pentecostal representative, reaffirms the distinctive tenets of Classical Pentecostal doctrine of baptism in the Holy Spirit and says that the Pentecostal Spirit is a donum superadditum. For him, the distinct character of Lukan Pneumatology is the prophetic inspiration of the Spirit and its significance lies not in salvation but in its resulting missiological empowerment. A Roman Catholic Representative, Kilian McDonnell does not see baptism in the Holy Spirit a new experience of God's grace but simply an actualization and awareness of what has been given at baptism. It is integrated in the process of Christian initiation of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. In this respect, McDonnell negates the two-stage theory of classical Pentecostal doctrine of baptism in the Holy Spirit. James D. G. Dunn, a representative for the Reformed tradition, argues that the gift of the Spirit or the Spirit himself is the most fundamental sine qua non in the making of a Christian. For him, it is not that a Christian receives the Holy Spirit, but that the Holy Spirit makes him/her a Christian. Therefore, his understanding of the Spirit is salvation-oriented.
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기타 저자  
Brown, Colin
기타 저자  
Robeck, Cecil M.
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