

Baptism in the theologies of Horace Bushnell, Charles Hodge, and John W. Nevin- [e-book]
Baptism in the theologies of Horace Bushnell, Charles Hodge, and John W. Nevin- [e-book]
Earheart-Brown, Daniel J.
Baptism in the theologies of Horace Bushnell, Charles Hodge, and John W. Nevin - [e-book] / by Daniel J. Earheart-Brown
Richmond, Virginia : Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 2000.
313 p.
Adviser: Dawn DeVries.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 2000.
요약 : This dissertation is a study of the theologies of baptism promoted by three leading nineteenth century American Reformed theologians, Congregationalist Horace Bushnell (1802-1876), Presbyterian Charles Hodge (1797-1878), and German Reformed John W. Nevin (1803-1886). The first chapter argues that the Reformed tradition has been marked by baptismal controversy for much of its history. The tradition's leaders have had difficulty articulating a consistent theology of baptism, and that difficulty is related to four fundamental tensions: the relationship between divine and human agency in baptism, the relationship between God's grace and the human response of faith, the gift and discipline of baptism, and the "dual ecclesiology" of the Reformed churches. This dual ecclesiology was recognized by Ernst Troeltsch in his observation that the early Reformed churches were neither church nor sect, but had characterists of both of these two ideal types. These four tensions are briefly illustrated from the work of Reformed theologians and Reformed confessional documents.
요약 : Chapter two examines the context of baptismal controversies in early and mid-nineteenth century America, noting the growing numbers of groups who repudiated the baptism of infants. This trend is related to intellectual, political, and social changes during the period that created a unique context in which to defend the traditional Reformed practice and theology of baptism.
요약 : Chapters three through five are devoted to an evaluation of the major writings of Bushnell, Hodge, and Nevin on baptism. Each of the chapters begins with the reasons for that theologian's interest in the subject, and concludes with a summary of the way each negotiates the four tensions identified in chapter one. While each of the three affirmed the traditional Reformed practice of baptizing both believers and their children, they argued for the practice in very different ways. Bushnell developed a symbolic/developmental theology of baptism. Hodge's theology of baptism I characterize as biblical/predestinarian, and Nevin's as objective/sacramental. The strengths and weaknesses of each type are examined closely.
요약 : The concluding chapter draws together the results of the study and relates those results to contemporary issues in baptismal practice and theology, in the light of renewed interest in the sacraments among Reformed Christians in late twentieth century.
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DeVries, Dawn
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