

Shembe, Ancestors, or Christ? A Missiological Inquiry into the Status and Role of Jesus Christ in the AmaNazaretha Church, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa (Isaiah Shembe)- [e-book]
Shembe, Ancestors, or Christ? A Missiological Inquiry into the Status and Role of Jesus Christ in the AmaNazaretha Church, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa (Isaiah Shembe)- [e-book]
Moodley, Edley Joseph.
Shembe, Ancestors, or Christ? A Missiological Inquiry into the Status and Role of Jesus Christ in the AmaNazaretha Church, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa (Isaiah Shembe) - [e-book]
Wilmore, Kentucky : Asbury Theological Seminary, 2004.
435 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 65-07, Section: A, page: 2638.
Mentor: Darrell L. Whiteman.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Asbury Theological Seminary, 2004.
요약 : Early missionary endeavors have certainly contributed to the spreading of the gospel across the continent of Africa to the point that today the center of gravity for the Christian movement has shifted southward and Africa is becoming the most Christian continent in the world. Nevertheless, the missionary enterprise was never intended to be merely a head count of persons joining a Christian church. At the heart of the Christian gospel is the incarnated Christ, whose words and works penetrate cultures across the world drawing men and women to himself. In the words of Paul, "God was [and is] in Christ reconciling the world to himself." In living out their Christianity through the idiom of their own language and culture, the African Initiated Churches (AICs) claim to be such an expression of Christianity on the continent of Africa.
요약 : Isaiah Shembe (1867--1935), who received his catechetical instruction in a Wesleyan church and later joined the African Baptist Church, became an itinerant preacher in South Africa in the early 1900s. Through his charismatic gifting of healing and exorcisms Shembe soon commanded a following. The amaNazaretha Church of Isaiah Shembe was formed in 1911. The church has grown tremendously to approximately 2 million members and has experienced three leadership changes since its founding in 1911. The current leader is Vimbeni Shembe, a grandson of the founder. From my study of the literature I discovered that most scholars of the movement (such as Oosthuizen, Hexham, and Becken) concluded that even by the time of his death in 1935, Isaiah Shembe was already deified by his ardent followers.
요약 : The question pursued in this dissertation is whether Jesus Christ is still central in the lives of the amaNazaretha adherents after almost one hundred years of the church's existence. Hence the purpose of this study was to discover if the amaNazaretha Church today, is a Christward movement. A Christward movement is defined as one that affirms that "Jesus is Lord" where people acknowledge and receive the person and works of Christ on the basis of the past (his work of atonement), present (mediatorial role and intercession on our behalf), and future (his second coming in glory as our hope). Three sub-problems are researched in the dissertation: the role of Shembe, the role of ancestors, and the role of Jesus Christ as expressed in the life-world of the amaNazaretha adherents. If Shembe and ancestors still serve in mediatorial roles for the amaNazaretha members, then what role does Jesus Christ have in the lives of these people?
요약 : The study begins with an overview of African Traditional Religions and proceeds specifically to Zulu Traditional Religion as the amaNazaretha membership are predominately Zulu speakers. It is argued that traditional aspects of Zulu religion and culture are carried over into their new religious belief system. I then offer a brief study of an African Initiated Church, namely the Zion Christian Church in South Africa, as one expression of African indigenous Christianity and show how this church contrasts with the amaNazaretha Church. Research was conducted over a period of thirteen months between January 2000 and January 2003, and included an interview with the current leader Vimbeni Shembe. The dissertation concludes with an evaluation of the amaNazaretha Church in the ligh
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