

The Effect of Accountability on Pastoral Stress and Burnout among Select Hungarian Baptist Pastors- [e-book]
The Effect of Accountability on Pastoral Stress and Burnout among Select Hungarian Baptist Pastors- [e-book]
Giorgiov, Adrian Dorin.
The Effect of Accountability on Pastoral Stress and Burnout among Select Hungarian Baptist Pastors - [e-book]
Fort Worth, Texas : Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
335 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 63-03, Section: A, page: 0992.
Adviser: Steve Lyon.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
요약 : This dissertation is a study of Hungarian Baptist pastors' accountability to one another and its effect on pastoral stress and predisposition to burnout. The literature proposes pastors' mutual accountability as one of the ways of managing stress and preventing burnout, but no experimental research had been done to support this suggestion. This dissertation makes empirical investigations through statistical analysis to clarify whether there is a significant difference in the predisposition for burnout between select Hungarian Baptist pastors who have accountability to one another and those who do not.
요약 : The basic sources used in this study are grouped around three topics: stress, burnout, and accountability. Most of these sources, written by theologians, Christian psychologists, pastoral care specialists, and pastors, were published between the mid-1970s and the present time.
요약 : The presentation of this topic is in four chapters. Chapter one deals with the subject of stress in the ministry. Chapter two is devoted to the concept of burnout and follows as a natural continuation of chapter one, based on the fact that one can find the causes of burnout in the development and aggravation of chronic stress in the life of a pastor.
요약 : Chapter three is integrative in nature by introducing and discussing the concept of pastors' mutual accountability as a proposed way of managing stress and preventing burnout. While the approach of chapter three is more theoretical, the approach of the same subject in chapter four is empirical. The results of the statistical analysis support the research hypothesis that predisposition for burnout is significantly lower in the area of depersonalization and personal accomplishment for Hungarian Baptist pastors who have accountability to one another compared to those who do not.
요약 : The conclusion assesses the implications of the findings, comparing them with theological principles. It points out the values of a comprehensive systemic approach to pastors' mutual support and accountability as today's pastors face the stresses and challenges of this new century.
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Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 63-03A.
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