

Encyclopedia of philosophers on religion - [e-book]
Encyclopedia of philosophers on religion - [e-book]
9780786449293 (pbk.)
Verkamp, Bernard J.((Bernard Joseph)) , 1938-
Encyclopedia of philosophers on religion - [e-book] Bernard J. Verkamp
Jefferson, NC : McFarland & Co, Publishers, c2008
1 online resource.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
-- Abe, Masao ---- Abelard, Peter ---- Adorno, Theodor W. ---- Alexander, Samuel ---- Alston, William P. ---- Anselm of Canterbury ---- Arendt, Hannah ---- Aristotle ---- Augustine ---- Averroe?s ---- Avicenna ---- Ayer, Alfred ---- Bacon, Francis ---- Bacon, Roger ---- Bataille, Georges ---- Bayle, Pierre ---- Bentham, Jeremy ---- Berdyaev, Nicholai ---- Bergson, Henri ---- Berkeley, George ---- Blanshard, Brand ---- Blondel, Maurice ---- Boethius ---- Bradley, Francis Herbert ---- Braithwaite, Richard B. ---- Brightman, Edgar Sheffield ---- Broad, Charlie Dunbar ---- Bruno, Giordano ---- Buber, Martin ---- Carnap, Rudolf ---- Cassirer, Ernst ---- Chrysippus ---- Cicero ---- Cleanthes ---- Clifford, William K. ---- Cohen, Hermann ---- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor ---- Comte, Auguste ---- Condorcet, Antoine-Nicolas de ---- Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish ---- Croce, Benedetto ---- Daly, Mary ---- Derrida, Jacques ---- Descartes, Rene ---- Dewey, John ---- Dilthey, Wilhelm ---- Duns Scotus, John ---- Emerson, Ralph Waldo ---- Empedocles ---- Epictetus ---- Epicurus ---- Fackenheim, Emil ---- Feuerbach, Ludwig ---- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb ---- Ficino, Marsilio ---- Flew, Antony ---- Foucault, Michel.
-- Gadamer, Hans-Georg ---- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von ---- Habermas, Ju?rgen ---- Hartshorne, Charles ---- Hegel, G.W.F. ---- Heidegger, Martin ---- Heraclitus ---- Herbert of Cherbury, Edward ---- Herder, Johann Gottfried ---- Hick, John ---- Hobbes, Thomas ---- Hocking, William Ernest ---- Horkheimer, Max ---- Hume, David ---- Husserl, Edmund ---- Iamblichus ---- Irigaray, Luce ---- James, William ---- Jaspers, Karl ---- John Scottus Eriugena ---- Kant, Immanuel ---- Kemp Smith, Norman ---- Kierkegaard, Søren ---- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm ---- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim ---- Levinas, Emmanuel ---- Locke, John ---- Lucretius ---- Macintyre, Alasdair ---- Maimonides, Moses ---- Malebranche, Nicolas ---- Marcel, Gabriel ---- Maritain, Jacques ---- Marx, Karl ---- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice ---- Mill, John Stuart ---- Montaigne, Michel de ---- Moore, George Edward ---- Murdoch, Iris ---- Nicholas of Cusa ---- Nietzsche, Friedrich ---- Nozick, Robert ---- Ortega y Gasset, Jose?.
-- Parmenides ---- Pascal, Blaise ---- Peirce, Charles Sanders ---- Phillips, D.Z. ---- Plantinga, Alvin ---- Plato ---- Plotinus ---- Plutarch ---- Porphyry ---- Proclus ---- Proudfoot, Wayne ---- Pythagoras ---- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli ---- Rand, Ayn ---- Randall, John Herman, Jr. ---- Rawls, John ---- Reid, Thomas ---- Rescher, Nicholas ---- Ricoeur, Paul ---- Rorty, Richard ---- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques ---- Royce, Josiah ---- Ruse, Michael ---- Russell, Bertrand ---- Santayana, George ---- Sartre, Jean-Paul ---- Scheler, Max ---- Schelling, Friedrich ---- Schleiermacher, Friedrich ---- Schopenhauer, Arthur ---- Seneca, Lucius Annaeus ---- Sextus Empiricus ---- Smart, Ninian ---- Socrates ---- Solovyov, Vladimir ---- Spencer, Herbert ---- Spinoza, Baruch ---- Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro ---- Swinburne, Richard ---- Tennant, Frederick Robert ---- Thomas Aquinas ---- Thoreau, Henry David ---- Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de ---- Vico, Giambattista ---- Voltaire ---- Von Hu?gel, Friedrich, Baron ---- Whitehead, Alfred North ---- William of Ockham ---- Wisdom, John ---- Wittgenstein, Ludwig ---- Xenophanes ---- Zeno of Citium.
요약 : "This book addresses and examines the religious affiliations and beliefs of prominent contemporary philosophers. The author profiles 150 such philosophers in separate, alphabetically-ordered entries, providing biographical information, religious upbringing, practice, and beliefs"--Provided by publisher.
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