

The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller - [e-book]
The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller - [e-book]
9789004227859 (electronic bk.)
9004227857 (electronic bk.)
Chun, Chris.
The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller - [e-book]
Leiden : BRILL, 2012
1 online resource (262 p)
Studies in the History of Christian Traditions
The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller; Copyright; Contents; Abbreviations; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Overview of the Intended Course of the Investigation, Its Method and Scope; History of Edwardsean Scholarship to Date; History of Fullerite Scholarship to Date; 1. Edwards on the Will; Preface: Danger of Using Labels; 2. Fuller's Theological Indebtedness to Freedom of the Will; 3. Fuller's Missiological Optimism and Humble Attempt; 4. Edwards on the Affections; 5. Fuller's Theological Indebtedness to Religious Affections.
5.1.1 Sandemanianism in Scotland6. Fuller's View of Atonement and the New England Theologians; 7. Edwards's Influence on Fuller's Conception of 'Justification by Faith'; Conclusion: The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller; Appendix: Fuller's Access to Published Literature of Edwards in Britain; II. Secondary Sources; a. Monograph, Books and Booklets; b. Journal Articles, Encyclopedia, Chapters in Collected Works.
요약 : This study positions itself in the transatlantic, early modern period between American Congregationalist Jonathan Edwards (1703- 1758) and English Baptist Andrew Fuller (1754-1815), and their attempts to express au fait understanding of reformed soteriologcial ideas in the age of reason.
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Print version / Chun, ChrisTitle: Legacy of Jonathan Edwards in the Theology of Andrew Fuller. Leiden : BRILL, c2012.ISBN: 9789004227842
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