

The fundamental theology of Karl Rahner and contemporary Catholic theology- [e-book] : An analysis of its reception and a critical appraisal
The fundamental theology of Karl Rahner and contemporary Catholic theology- [e-book] : An analysis of its reception and a critical appraisal
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Baron, Craig A.
The fundamental theology of Karl Rahner and contemporary Catholic theology - [e-book] : An analysis of its reception and a critical appraisal
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Pittsburgh, PA : Duquesne University, 2001.
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314 p.
General Note  
Director: William M. Thompson.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Duquesne University, 2001.
요약This dissertation is an analysis of the reception and a critical appraisal of the fundamental theology of Karl Rahner in contemporary theology. The intention of the project is to show that Rahner's fundamental theology, based on a formal-fundamental approach with a kerygmatic and pastoral-theological twist, was not only a life saving correction to the predominant Neo-Scholasticism of the time, but also established a viable approach to thinking about the Christian faith that could be effective in doing theology in the future. Rahner's serious grappling with both merits and deficiencies of the Enlightenment notion of the subject and truth was a significant advance over the Roman theology of the manuals. He corrected the imbalances inherent in that method and predated in the process some of the current discussions in theology and philosophy. Also, he provided in the process a “general” direction for fundamental theology in a postmodern context. Rahner does all this without negating the foundational event of God's self-revelation in Jesus Christ, which is at the center of the Christian faith.
요약Additionally, there is an attempt to show how firmly established Rahner's place and significance is in the history of Catholic theology and also to show where his enterprise has been critically continued by such theologians as Avery Dulles, David Tracy, Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, Johann Baptist Metz and others. These varied projections of the Rahnerian trajectory testify to the enduring significance of Rahner's central insights. As part of an exploration of postmodern theology, Rahner is offered as one possible place to begin to theologize if one wanted a foundation for doing theology “after” postmodernism particularly in terms of theological method, experience and revelation.
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