

Christ and the New Creation- [e-book]
Christ and the New Creation- [e-book]
Emerson, Matthew Yates.
Christ and the New Creation - [e-book] / A canonical approach to the theology of the New Testament
Wake Forest : Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011.
262 p.
Adviser: David Hogg.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011.
요약 : Thesis. The thesis of this dissertation is that the order of the books in the NT presents a reading strategy that points the reader to its theological focus, which is that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament narratives and specifically of the promise of the Messiah and his inauguration and consummation of the New Creation.
요약 : Abstract. The dissertation will support this thesis largely through approaching the New Testament from the standpoint of canonical theology. Both the works of Brevard Childs and John Sailhamer in this field will be relied upon for methodological approaches. The main methodological approach, though, will be Sailhamer's understanding of con-textuality, which he defines as “… the notion of the effect on meaning of the relative position of a biblical book within a prescribed order of reading.” The order of each individual corpus (Gospels, Pauline Epistles, Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles) will be considered, along with the placement of Acts between the Gospels and Pauline Epistles and Revelation's placement at the end of the canon.
요약 : Contribution to the field. While numerous works have been published in recent years on a canonical approach to the Hebrew Bible and the individual books contained therein, not much has been written on the effects of this approach on New Testament theology. Greg Goswell, in his article "The Order of the Books of the New Testament," does explore this issue, but comes to rather routine conclusions. While admitting that the ordering of the books "still influences reading," his conclusions are essentially that the New Testament is ordered primarily based on genre and "(decreasing) size" of the books. This may be broadly true in so far as genres are grouped together in the New Testament (Gospels, Acts, Epistles), but there are enough difficulties with length and size as the basis of order as to render this notion dubious. These two criteria surely do not tell the whole story. Perhaps the greatest shortcoming of Goswell's rationale for the order of the books is that it falls short of a theological reading. It is ultimately only a historical reading of the canonical order. This is not to say that the storyline, or Grand Narrative, of Scripture is unimportant; on the contrary, this dissertation will argue that it is of vital importance. It is to say, however, that Goswell's particular articulation of the storyline only focuses on a timeline of events and not a theological interpretation of them.
요약 : Other authors have, unlike Goswell, attempted to provide a theological rationale for the canonical order. Robert Wall and Eugene Lemcio's The New Testament as Canon and Dwayne Christensen's The Unity of the Bible are among the works that do so, but the former is more a collection of essays rather than a unified New Testament theology and the latter leaves much to be desired in terms of its chiastic approach which may explain its obscurity in current scholarship. David Trobisch has produced a work on the formation of codices in the early part of the second century, but he limits his suggestions as to the reading strategy presented in these codices to a few short pages at the end of the book. Furthermore, both Wall and Lemcio's volume and Trobisch's work generally reflect the Hegelian approach of F.C. Baur and Adolf von Harnack in their discussion of the effects of the order of the NT books, which is to say they believe the NT books are ordered in such a way as to synthesize Jewish and Gentile Christianity. Again,
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