

Christ and the Christian church- [e-book] : A study of Friedrich Schleiermacher's ecclesiology in relation to Christology
Christ and the Christian church- [e-book] : A study of Friedrich Schleiermacher's ecclesiology in relation to Christology
Kim, Youngbog
Christ and the Christian church - [e-book] : A study of Friedrich Schleiermachers ecclesiology in relation to Christology / by Youngbog Kim
Claremont : The Claremont Graduate University, 2002.
181 p.
Adviser: Jack C. Verheyden.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : The Claremont Graduate University, 2002.
요약 : Schleiermacher's ecclesiology in relation to Christ has been examined as an alternative Christian theology to overcome the identity crisis of the contemporary Korean Protestant church throughout this dissertation. According to Schleiermacher, the Christian church as a spiritual community has been developed by Christ as well as established by Christ because Christ, who is the Redeemer and therefore the Founder of the Christian church, works only through the Christian church in history. Therefore, Schleiermacher finds the essential identity of the Christian church in relation to Christ.
요약 : This dissertation consists of seven major chapters. In the first introductory chapter, we discuss the nature of the problem and its importance, the thesis of the project, its scope and limitation, and the procedure for integration into the practice of the Korean Protestant church. In the second chapter, we consider the identity crisis of the Christian church in the Korean theological context. In the third chapter, we deal with Schleiermacher's definition of both church and the Christian church so as to make the essential distinctions of the Christian church. In the fourth chapter, we examine the theological significance of the Christian church in relation to the major theological themes of Christian faith. In the fifth chapter, by focusing on Christ's archetypal personhood, we discuss the origin of the Christian church in order to understand how it is possible for Christ to be the Founder of the Christian church as well as the Redeemer. In the sixth chapter, we illustrate the self-identity features of the Christian church by focusing on Christ's redemptive activity. In the concluding chapter, we summarize and evaluate the theological significance of Schleiermacher's ecclesiology in relation to Christ in the Korean theological context.
요약 : This work focuses mainly on the 1830 edition of Der Christliche Glaube (translated by H. R. Mackintosh and J. S. Stewart. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1986).
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The Claremont Graduate University.
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