

Toward a local pastoral care and pastoral theology- [e-book] : The basis, model, and case of 'han' in light of Charles Gerkin's pastoral hermeneutics
Toward a local pastoral care and pastoral theology- [e-book] : The basis, model, and case of 'han' in light of Charles Gerkin's pastoral hermeneutics
Ahn, Suk-Mo.
Toward a local pastoral care and pastoral theology - [e-book] : The basis, model, and case of han in light of Charles Gerkins pastoral hermeneutics
Atlanta : Emory University, 1991.
421 p.
Adviser: Charles V. Gerkin.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Emory University, 1991.
요약 : This dissertation is both a theoretical inquiry into the necessity and methodology of local pastoral care and local pastoral theology in terms of Charles Gerkin's hermeneutical approach to pastoral praxis and a practical interpretation of han, a prevalent Korean care object, in light of the pastoral hermeneutical method. To envision a local pastoral care and its theology, it first explores culture as a unit of locality in doing pastoral praxis, takes a view of pastoral care and theology in relation to culture, and elucidates pastoral care as a cultural system (Part One).
요약 : Having explicated the interconnection between pastoral care and culture, this study finds in Gerkin's "pastoral hermeneutics" a pastoral care methodology which is very relevant to non-Christian local contexts, being meta-linguistic, meta-practical, and culture-sensitive (Part Two). Thus the theoretical grounds and structure of the methodology are probed; its contributions to and implications for the general pastoral care field and praxis are discussed. Centering on the two hermeneutical constituencies of the text and the act of interpretation, it exposits the manner in which a human life becomes a "living human document" and how the "fusion of the horizons" between the text and the interpreter, between the care-giver and the care-seeker, and between the local text and the Christian horizon may take place pastorally and theologically when the text is fully interpreted.
요약 : Under the guidance of the hermeneutical model, this work then engages in interpreting a Korean cultural phenomenon, han, as a pastoral text (Part Three). By establishing han as a sign/text and interpreting it through the steps the hermeneutical model provides, this project opens up for local pastoral care an avenue not only to understand the local phenomenon in its own cultural dynamic but also to use and incorporate modern Western theories and knowledge in a mutually correlating and enriching manner with the indigenous counterparts.
요약 : All the descriptions and discussions of this work concerning the pastoral hermeneutics are explicatory and explorative, not critically engaging and adjudicative, for the future development and application of the model in any local contexts.
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Emory University.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 52-07A.
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등록번호 청구기호 소장처 대출가능여부 대출정보
T0000270 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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