

Charles Hodge, the keeper of orthodoxy- [e-book] : The method, purpose and meaning of his apologetic
Charles Hodge, the keeper of orthodoxy- [e-book] : The method, purpose and meaning of his apologetic
Jones, Charles Andrews III
Charles Hodge, the keeper of orthodoxy - [e-book] : The method, purpose and meaning of his apologetic
Madison, New Jersey : Drew University, 1989.
317 p.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Drew University, 1989.
요약 : Charles Hodge of Princeton Theological Seminary was a major spokesperson for Calvinism in the nineteenth century. His theological enterprise was dedicated to defending the essentials of Reformed orthodoxy. As editor of the Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, he did theology "in defense," as he critiqued various expressions of Christianity in America.
요약 : The basis of Hodge's apology was his theological method. The way he synthesized the Baconian method, Newtonian science, and Scottish Common Sense philosophy enabled his to posit a high view of the authority of Scripture. He sought to uphold the traditional tenets of Calvinism by establishing an inductive theology in which the Bible served as a "store-house of facts," revealing the truth about God and faith.
요약 : This study examines Hodge's methodology as articulated in his Systematic Theology, and then uses the types of theological methods he identified as a measure of his apologetic efforts in the BRPR. Hodge's critique of Charles Finney's revivalism, Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory, and the romantic expressions of religion in Ralph Waldo Emerson, Horace Bushnell, John W. Nevin, Philip Schaff, and Edwards A. Park are viewed in the context of Hodge's methodological conventions. In every instance, Hodge's apologetic focuses on methodological presuppositions. It was Hodge's "scientific" notion of theology which gave his arguments consistency and influence in America.
요약 : Contrary to his self-perception that "an original idea in theology is not to be found" at Princeton, Hodge did indeed use Enlightenment ideas to forge a defense of Calvinism. He recast it in modern terms. He sought to unite two seemingly disparate elements of religion: the objectivity of truth revealed in the Bible, and the subjectivity of lived religious experience. The vehicle for this union was his theological method. Herein lay his real contribution to nineteenth-century religious thought.
요약 : This study shows that Charles Hodge was not some parochial, obscurantist theologian clinging blindly to an unenlightened Calvinism, but rather one who effectively participated in the theological dialogue of his day. He was able to argue his position persuasively precisely because his methodological assumptions commanded respect in the market-place of ideas.
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