

The interpretation of Genesis 6.6---"and the Lord repented"---in early rabbinic and patristic tradition- [e-book]
The interpretation of Genesis 6.6---"and the Lord repented"---in early rabbinic and patristic tradition- [e-book]
Gerth, Robert Mark Michael
The interpretation of Genesis 6.6---and the Lord repented---in early rabbinic and patristic tradition - [e-book] / by Robert Mark Michael Gerth
Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (Ohio), 2002.
275 p.
Co-Readers: David B. Weisberg; Marc J. Bregman.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (Ohio), 2002.
요약 : This dissertation concerns the interpretation in antiquity of Gen 6.6, "and the Lord repented that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart" (RSV), specifically the phrase v'yinachem Adonai"and the Lord repented," in early rabbinic and patristic tradition. Such a representation of God invited further reflection in Jewish, Christian and other interpretative communities, as it clashed with other accepted notions concerning the necessary attributes a competent God should possess.
요약 : Chapter one considers Gen 6.6 within the context of ancient Near Eastern flood stories and its immediate literary context within the Hebrew Bible, and concludes that v'yinachem Adonaí most certainly meant "and the Lord repented."
요약 : Chapter two considers rabbinic interpretations of Gen 6.6. The rabbis engage in different exegetical activities (midrashic wordplay, parables, intertextual references, etc.) in exploring the meaning of v'yinachem Adonai. Their concerns include serious theological reflection on the problem of evil and biblical translation. Their explanations of Gen 6.6 are diverse, and sometimes playful, yet theological caution is always invoked when approaching the possibility that God actually repented.
요약 : Chapter three considers Gen 6.6 as it appears in the LXX translation and in the writings of Philo. These are the two prominent collections of Hellenistic Jewish literature that were accepted into the life of the Christian church. Philo denied that Gen 6.6 referred to God's actual repentance, and his arguments would influence some later Christian commentators in their interpretations of Gen 6.6.
요약 : Chapter four explores the interpretation of Gen 6.6 among commentators who worked within a Christian environment, though not all would be considered "orthodox." Common themes, some originating with Philo, and other with Origen, echo across the generations, but some independent interpretations also emerge. The emphasis on God's moral immutability in Philo shifts to an emphasis on an ontological immutability as the church fathers argue against cosmological duelists who identify the ambiguities of human existence with creation and even divinity itself. Christian authors for the most part do not express themselves in specifically Christian terms.
요약 : Chapter five presents the conclusions of this study. In their translations of Gen 6.6, the targumists, LXX Genesis translator and perhaps Jerome all seem constricted by the narrative logic of their Hebrew texts to preserve the notion of God's repentance in their Aramaic, Greek and Latin translations of the Bible. Outside of translation proper, however it is difficult to speak of a "history of interpretation" in the sense of chains of tradition extending over the generations. Some links in the chains have been lost. Rabbinic and Christian writers do not seem to have influenced each other in their interpretations of Gen 6.6. Common themes emerge in the particular voices of individuals working in their own particular environments and influenced by genre, personality, theological environment, etc. Some commentators offer unique responses to God's repentance in Gen 6.6 which do not become part of a common tradition.
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Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion (Ohio).
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