

The enigma of rebirth: Life, death, and the possibility of continuance
The enigma of rebirth: Life, death, and the possibility of continuance
Lyell, Elizabeth Barrett.
The enigma of rebirth: Life, death, and the possibility of continuance
Carpinteria : Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2012.
257 p.
Adviser: Patrick Mahaffey.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2012.
요약 : This dissertation is the result of a lifelong fascination with questions about death, rebirth, and the possibility of continuance beyond this life. My intention has been to make a case for the possibility of rebirth, both spiritually and psychologically, and to offer new ways of thinking about rebirth as basic mechanism of life, emphasizing its quotidian value, its relevance to psychological development, and its spiritual significance. The study has been organized in such a way as to reflect a combination of elements that I believe must be brought together if a territory that does not easily yield to evidence-based conclusions is to be approached. Thus, I utilize a philosophical methodology (specifically making use of William James' pragmatic notion that to "will" a belief in axiological matters is a crucial part of making contact with the content of such beliefs) to explore and organize both psychological beliefs about the self and religious notions regarding soul and spirit. Part of the challenge lies in moving past artificial boundaries set up between disciplines (e.g., philosophy, psychology, religion, mythology) and following a line of intelligent inquiry through the currents of some of our most cherished and enduring spiritual traditions, which often come to us in story form. My contention is that as we explore mythic and religious accounts, gathering variations on the theme of rebirth in general and reincarnation and resurrection specifically, an astounding amount of circumstantial "evidence" begins to collect.
요약 : The challenge lies in the interpretation of such accounts, being willing to take seriously the faculty of imagination as an instrument of knowledge, and to recognize that decisions to believe one thing or another about life, death and rebirth actually effect (both psychologically and physically) the ability to make contact with the subject under investigation. My own life experiences have led me in certain directions, and my decision to take pivotal experiences seriously has opened up intriguing pathways of exploration. The work of this study is itself part of a continuing effort to deepen my own belief about the possibility of rebirth, while encouraging the "will to believe" in another.
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Pacifica Graduate Institute.
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