

An understanding of a contribution of metaphor and music in the healing of the isolation dynamic of shame- [electronic resource: e-book]
An understanding of a contribution of metaphor and music in the healing of the isolation dynamic of shame- [electronic resource: e-book]
Hosick, Jeffrey Howard
An understanding of a contribution of metaphor and music in the healing of the isolation dynamic of shame - [electronic resource: e-book] / by Jeffrey Howard Hosick
St. Paul : Luther Seminary, 2002.
175 p.
Adviser: Roland D. Martinson.
Thesis(Doctoral) - Luther Seminary, 2002.
요약 : This abductive study explores the significance of metaphor and music, particularly as healing tools for the problem of shame. The study begins with an examination of the scriptural narrative of the rape of Tamar, 2 Samuel 13. In this preliminary examination, it is seen that both the offender and the victim of the crime suffer from shame, and, while the journey towards wholeness is different for each, it is, nonetheless, necessary for both. The study continues by identifying the precedents for both metaphor and music as tools of healing in scripture is shown in the scriptural studies of Psalm 23, Amos 7 and John 6.
요약 : The review of the literature is constructed for each of the fields of shame, music and metaphor in order to establish a parallel between the three fields in their nature and function, and their healing properties in the solving of the problem of isolation in shame.
요약 : The dissertation assimilates the parallels between the fields of shame, metaphor and music drawing attention to the tools that are used to overcome isolation and the need for a guide or significant other to orchestrate the healing.
요약 : The theology of Paul Ricoeur provides a theological underpinning for the discoveries made in the assimilation. Then the implications for pastoral care and counselling are drawn from the assimilations and theology chapters.
요약 : The dissertation is based on the abductive reasoning method of Gregory Bateson who has designed a process, or cybernetic, where several fields of study might interact and find commonalities. The dissertation gives the reader first hand experience of the process of the conversation which includes disorientation, re-orientation, assimilation and ramifications.
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