

Essays on economic choice in the presence of endogenous and interdependent risks- [e-book]
Essays on economic choice in the presence of endogenous and interdependent risks- [e-book]
Shafran, Aric P.
Essays on economic choice in the presence of endogenous and interdependent risks - [e-book]
Boulder : University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007.
168 p.
Adviser: Nicholas Flores.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007.
요약 : Because there are many uncertainties in the natural world, it is important to analyze environmental problems in a framework where actions do not have certain consequences. Within this framework, individuals often make investments or alter behavior to reduce the risk of bad outcomes. This dissertation consists of four chapters on how individuals choose to protect themselves against risks and on the consequences of self-protection for policy analysis. Chapter 1 introduces the subject and summarizes the work in the other three chapters.
요약 : Chapter 2 examines interdependencies in the wildfire risk mitigation decisions of homeowners living in the wildland urban interface (WUI). Homeowners living in the WUI must decide whether or not to create defensible space around their house in order to mitigate the risk of a wildfire destroying their home. Risk externalities exist because a homeowner's wildfire risk depends on fuel loads at neighboring properties. A model is developed which predicts that one of two outcomes is likely: most or all homeowners have defensible space or no homeowners have defensible space. Analysis of data from Boulder County, CO confirms that homeowners are more likely to have defensible space when more of their neighbors have defensible space.
요약 : Chapter 3 uses laboratory experiments to explore how policy can improve social welfare when there are risk interdependencies. This chapter is generally applicable to any problem involving risk interdependencies with strategic complementarities, including the wildfire problem from Chapter 2. The effects of two policies are investigated: a partial subsidy provided to everyone who self-protects and a full subsidy provided to specific individuals who self-protect. Individuals in both policy treatments are significantly more likely to self-protect compared to the control group.
요약 : Chapter 4 analyzes behavioral responses to air pollution. An expression is derived for the health benefits arising from a reduction in pollution, and it is shown that ignoring self-protection leads to underestimates of health benefits. For the case of ozone, individuals can self-protect by reducing time outside when ozone levels are high. Estimates of the economic value of these behavioral responses for a sample of outdoor exercisers were obtained using conjoint analysis.
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University of Colorado at Boulder.
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