

The relationship between committee role and committee influence in U.S. state legislatures- [e-book]
The relationship between committee role and committee influence in U.S. state legislatures- [e-book]
Winn, Alfred Vernon Jr
The relationship between committee role and committee influence in U.S. state legislatures - [e-book]
Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 1990.
376 p.
Chairman: John Kingdon.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Michigan, 1990.
요약 : The study of committee influence has suffered from several weaknesses, among which are a reliance on committee floor success rates as a measure of influence, a heavy reliance on one-chamber studies, ruling out intra-legislative environment as a determining factor, and a reliance on quantitative information regarding committee activity.
요약 : This dissertation focuses on six committees in the Pennsylvania and Maryland legislatures and the influence they had on 33 bills, in the social welfare policy area, which had been referred to the committees.
요약 : Differences in the way committees exercised influence in the two states was noted. In Maryland committees provided, in essence, a final review of policies which had, for the most part, been developed elsewhere, especially in the executive branch of state government. In Pennsylvania, where the intra-legislative environment provided for additional review of committee reported bills, committees played more of an agenda-setting and policy formulation role.
요약 : Understanding the differences in the roles played committees in this study requires an understanding not only of differences in the internal structure of the two legislatures, but also the policy making role of the legislature in state government. The Maryland state constitution has provided for both a strong executive and a legislature with limited resources. That combined with a long history of one-party rule has resulted in the executive branch playing a strong, direct role in legislative policy development.
요약 : In an intensely partisan environment, the Pennsylvania legislature has developed the capacity to formulate policy independently, thereby reducing the need for as much direct executive branch involvement in legislative processes.
요약 : Committee influence over policy must therefore be seen in the total context of policymaking in a political jurisdiction and not just in terms of the legislature itself.
요약 : The dissertation also noted that policy issues were considered sequentially rather than comprehensively. It also noted a tension between a concern for the needs of the vulnerable individuals who are the subject of protective services programs and the rights of those being regulated by those programs.
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University of Michigan.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 51-04A.
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T0001331 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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