

Paul's apocalyptic mission- [e-book]
Paul's apocalyptic mission- [e-book]
Carriker, Charles Timothy.
Pauls apocalyptic mission - [e-book] / An integrative missiological hermeneutic
Pasadena, California : Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993.
332 p.
Mentor: Arthur Glasser.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission, 1993.
요약 : Missiology has benefited from a rich influence within the theological curriculum from practical and contemporary theology, history, the social sciences and from various forms of statistical studies. One of the areas of least impact has been biblical studies, with the exception of biblical theology. This dissertation seeks to contribute to the integration of formal biblical studies and contemporary missiology. In this respect, it is an appeal for a more serious role for biblical studies within the missiological curriculum. As an illustration of the importance of formal biblical studies for missiology, the study focuses on the writings of the apostle Paul, in particular some key passages where Paul elaborates on his missionary call and ministry.
요약 : One problem in both New Testament studies and missiological studies of Paul is that his role as missionary theologian has not been taken seriously enough. In biblical studies there is increasing recognition that Paul was no systematic theologian and so he is treated more as a practical theologian. Also there is an interest in Paul's apostleship, usually discussed in terms of status than function. These concems and others constitute quite a significant approximation and contribution to missiological concerns.
요약 : Missiologists have stressed Paul as missionary par excellence, usually focussing their attention on Paul's missionary strategy, methods, and motivation, and only to a lesser extent, to his theology. Neither studies by missiologists nor those by New Testament scholars have adequately bridged these two emphases, and bridged them theologically. That is, to date, Paul's self-identity as apostle and missionary to the Gentiles as a key to understanding his theology and gospel has not been adequately treated. Paul has been recognized both as missionary (predominantly by missiologists) and as theologian (predominantly by New Testament scholarships and theologians), but not adequately as missionary theologian.
요약 : An important key to forming this bridge between Paul as theologian and Paul as missionary concerns his apocalyptic reinterpretation of Jesus's death and resurrection and the implications of that for his own career. Pauline apocalyptic eschatology forms the bridge between Pauline theology and missionary practice.
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Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission.
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T0001080 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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