

The Faith Community as an Optimal Context for Specialized Pastoral Counseling- [e-book]
The Faith Community as an Optimal Context for Specialized Pastoral Counseling- [e-book]
Rosell, Ruth Dorothy Lofgren
The Faith Community as an Optimal Context for Specialized Pastoral Counseling - [e-book] / by Ruth Dorothy Lofgren Rosell
Nashville : Vanderbilt University, 2003.
444 p.
Director: Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Vanderbilt University, 2003.
요약 : This dissertation argues for the benefits of a faith community model for specialized pastoral counseling. It is a bibliographic research project that uses a correlational methodology, taking intellectual resources from the disciplines of pastoral theology, community psychology, and theology and placing them in dialogue over the issue of specialized pastoral counseling's optimal context.
요약 : The dissertation begins with a historical overview of the relationship of specialized pastoral counseling to the congregational and clinical models of care. Noting the affirmation of the congregational model by pioneers of the pastoral counseling movement, it searches out the factors that led to the emergence and dominance of the clinical model. It also uncovers throughout a strand of critique of the clinical model that continues to be voiced by many contemporary pastoral theologians.
요약 : In addition to looking at the critique and alternate proposals made by contemporary pastoral theologians, the author utilizes research from the field of community psychology, and in particular the model proposed by Barbara Dohrenwend, to develop a faith community model for specialized pastoral counseling. She draws on theological resources from the writings of Marjorie Suchocki to ground theologically the proposal.
요약 : These efforts are focused to affirm the dissertation thesis that in order to be uniquely pastoral in their approach to counseling, grounded in theological understandings and faith communal life, pastoral counseling specialists optimally would function within the context of a faith community, considering the faith community an essential component of the healing process and a mediating structure to the larger society, and considering themselves as integrally related to the wider ministry and mission of the congregation. Specifically, the author proposes a faith community model that restores the congregational context to specialized pastoral counseling, views the congregation as the healing unit, suggests ways in which congregational pastoral counseling must be shaped to fit this context, and urges the development of congregational pastoral counseling as a unique therapeutic speciality within the profession of ministry.
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Vanderbilt University.
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