

Isaiah 6 in the theology of Karl Barth- [e-book] : Toward a corrective for the church
Isaiah 6 in the theology of Karl Barth- [e-book] : Toward a corrective for the church
Walsh, James Eric
Isaiah 6 in the theology of Karl Barth - [e-book] : Toward a corrective for the church / by James Eric Walsh
Fort Worth : Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
184 p.
Adviser: Robert Williams.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
요약 : The church today is asking afresh what it means to encounter God and how that impacts the life and ministry of the church. At the same time new studies indicate a growing interest in the theology of Karl Barth. The purpose of this dissertation is to show that the eight theological elements found in Isaiah 6 were important to Barth and that he used them as a corrective for the church in her encounter with God and ministry in the world.
요약 : Chapter 1 utilizes the most recent critical scholarship to show the eight theological elements of revelation, praise, confession of sin, forgiveness, proclamation, response, commission, and prayer in Isaiah 6. These elements present a “back and forth-ness” that points to an ongoing relationship with God.
요약 : Using primary sources, chapters 2 through 5 examine these elements as scenes in a drama to demonstrate the back and forth nature of the activity of God and human response. Each of these theological elements from Isaiah 6 is examined as to its importance to Barth and its significance as a corrective to the church. Chapter 2 pairs revelation and praise (vv. 1–4). God is the source of revelation, and praise is human response. Chapter 3 examines confession of sin and forgiveness (vv. 5–7). Confession of sin is a human response to the revelation of God, and forgiveness is a work of God. Chapter 4 addresses proclamation and response (v. 8). Proclamation is the church speaking the Word of God, and response is how one lives as a result of hearing God's Word. Chapter 5 studies commission and prayer (vv. 9–13). Commission is God sending His own as witnesses into the world, and prayer is the human response to God and participation with Him in His activity in the world.
요약 : This dissertation concludes that the eight theological elements in Isaiah 6 were significant for Barth in his writings and that he used them as correctives for the church. These eight theological elements from Isaiah 6 also speak to the church today about her encounter with God and ministry in the world.
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T0001467 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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