

Hegel, Kierkegaard, and the limits of rationality- [e-book]
Hegel, Kierkegaard, and the limits of rationality- [e-book]
Hejduk, Matthew Dickerson.
Hegel, Kierkegaard, and the limits of rationality - [e-book]
Irving : University of Dallas, 2006.
475 p.
Adviser: Dennis L. Sepper.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Dallas, 2006.
요약 : Hegelians, who embrace a dialectical rational model capable of accounting for the whole of reality, and Kierkegaardians, who argue that so comprehensive a rationalist accounting is not possible, generally ascribe their divergences to a difference in presuppositions. The present study examines these presuppositions in order to determine the feasibility of a rationalist system that can subsume all aspects of reality. It concludes that there are regions of reality, such as the God-man relationship and aspects of human psychology, that strongly resist a rationalist accounting; and rationalist systems therefore need to retreat from ultimate claims of universality.
요약 : The study's first section examines the cogency of Hegelian dialectic. It finds the typical criticisms of Hegel to be unfounded; he can resist charges of determinism and aprioricity, and his proposed dialectical method is reasonable and internally consistent. However, dialectic's application to reality, as attempted in his Encyclopaedia, is not, as the dialectic takes on an excessive elasticity that prevents it from being considered a true methodology. This methodological failure strips Hegelian dialectic of any metaphysical status and therefore of any coherence-based claims to universality.
요약 : With Hegelian universality in question, the study's second section turns to Kierkegaard. After adjudicating the issues associated with his pseudonymous and religious authorship, his commentary on two rationalist religious issues---the problem of unjust suffering and the relationship between ethics and revelation---is investigated in considerable detail through an examination of his exegesis of the book of Job and the Sacrifice of Isaac. It is determined that no persuasive rationalist-compatible exegesis or interpretation of these theologically important works is possible, leading to the conclusion that the God-man relationship represents a boundary for rationalism.
요약 : The study's third section points a way to an epistemology that can include such non-rational elements without sinking into irrationality. Drawing on recent neurobiological research, it proposes a much broader role for emotive elements in "rational" cognition than has been generally supposed. Such elements, enabled by anticipatory mood, can engender decisions that differ from the results yielded by disinterested formal logic yet are still repeatable, explicable, and ultimately satisfactory.
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University of Dallas.
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T0001479 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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