

A microanalysis of lexical and thematic links applied to the Psalms scroll (11QPs(a)) from Qumran cave 11- [e-book]
A microanalysis of lexical and thematic links applied to the Psalms scroll (11QPs(a)) from Qumran cave 11- [e-book]
McDonald, William L.
A microanalysis of lexical and thematic links applied to the Psalms scroll (11QPs(a)) from Qumran cave 11 - [e-book]
New Orleans : New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005.
233 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-01, Section: A, page: 0219.
Adviser: Harold R. Mosley.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005.
요약 : The purpose of the dissertation was to investigate the first ten psalms in the Qumran Psalms Scroll (11QPsa) for evidence of lexical, thematic, and structural connections, the thesis being that the Scroll was compiled through a deliberate process wherein specific psalms were placed in consecutive order to serve a particular message or function. Analyses included identifying lexemes with a significantly high frequency of repetition relative to that found within MT 150. Second, the forty-five psalm pairs of the corpus were compared in order to identify lexical and thematic interconnections. Finally, the results were evaluated to identify what themes might be communicated.
요약 : The primary conclusion was that the psalms in the corpus were selected, collocated, and arranged in a purposeful manner to highlight five recurring themes: (a) YHWH favors the righteous and opposes his and their enemies. (b) YHWH maintains his providence over his created order, through acts of creation and sustenance. (c) The City of YHWH is the special place on earth where his favor toward the righteous is most prevalent. (d) YHWH's favor toward the righteous is demonstrated through his eternal attributes and redemptive acts. (e) The right response of the faithful to YHWH's providence is to praise him and hope in his deliverance, even in the midst of adversity.
요약 : Thematic analysis suggests a deliberate agenda, the components of which include exaltation of the kingship of YHWH, emphasis on Jerusalem as the locus of YHWH's reign and the refuge of his faithful ones, and the purging of YHWH's enemies from the land and the holy city. The theory posited is that 11QPs a begins as a proclamation of the zeal of the Qumranians for righteousness and purity in the face of perceived corruption and impurity within the Jerusalem and Temple leadership. Zeal for the land, the holy city and temple, and the character of those who populate them is clearly a focus of the collection. The praise that pervades the latter psalms of the collection highlights the conviction that through YHWH alone will the faithful persevere. YHWH is the one praised and exalted as the hope of Israel and Jerusalem.
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