

The turning point in the Gospel of Mark- [e-book] : A study of Markan christology
The turning point in the Gospel of Mark- [e-book] : A study of Markan christology
Morrison, Gregg S.
The turning point in the Gospel of Mark - [e-book] : A study of Markan christology
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America, 2008.
361 p.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-12, Section: A, page: 5097.
Adviser: Francis J. Moloney.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Catholic University of America, 2008.
요약 : "Turning point" is defined as "a point at which a decisive change takes place; a critical point; a crisis." In the Gospel according to Mark is there such a point, a pivot on which the entire narrative turns?
요약 : The majority of Markan commentators see the central section in the Gospel (8:22–10:52) as important in the development of Mark's story of Jesus. Phrases such as "the great transitional scene," "pivotal point," "major break," "watershed," and "new epoch" are used to describe this middle section. Yet a survey of more than forty commentators on Mark's Gospel shows that not all commentators agree on precisely which pericope in the central section is the so-called "turning point.".
요약 : Based on linguistic and thematic links in the narrative, I argue that the twin pericopae of Peter's confession (8:27–9:1) and the Transfiguration (9:2-13) together function as the turning point of the Gospel and serve in a Janus-like manner enabling the reader to see the author's true intention: the identity of Jesus and the significance of that reality for his disciples. Peter's confession of Jesus as Messiah faces backward toward the Prologue (1:1-13) and functions as a mid-course conclusion. The declaration by God on the mountain faces forward and foreshadows the end-course conclusion (14:61-62; 15:39; Son of God). Jesus, in response, teaches that the Son of Man must suffer and die before being raised from the dead (8:31). Christologically, the images of Jesus as Messiah, Son of Man, and Son of God converge and present Jesus, the crucified, as king, ushering in the kingdom of God in power. When one is confronted with this Jesus, though there remains something elusive about him and the kingdom of God in the narrative, the only wise decision (after calculating the costs, 8:34-38) is to follow in discipleship.
요약 : The purpose of my study is threefold: first, to survey the various analyses of the turning point in Mark's Gospel; second, to offer another approach (i.e., the Janus approach) in search of an interim climax in the Markan narrative; and finally to assess this approach's impact on Markan christology.
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The Catholic University of America.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 68-12A.
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