

Revelation and phenomenology in the christologies of Karl Barth and Jean -Luc Marion- [e-book] : A case study in theological method
Revelation and phenomenology in the christologies of Karl Barth and Jean -Luc Marion- [e-book] : A case study in theological method
McNassor, John H.
Revelation and phenomenology in the christologies of Karl Barth and Jean -Luc Marion - [e-book] : A case study in theological method
Madison, New Jersey : Drew University, 2009.
345 p.
Adviser: James Pain.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Drew University, 2009.
요약 : Karl Barth's reprisal of Christian doctrine is a stunning achievement in modern theology, engaging the historic faith, and the legacy of the enlightenment—while not being imprisoned by its presuppositions. This work questions, however, whether his Christology confines Christ to an upper-story meta-narrative; a novum separated from experience. This is especially evident in the dualism inherent in his sacramental theology. Jean-Luc Marion is a contemporary Roman Catholic thinker whose work engages both philosophy—particularly phenomenology—and theology. Barth's theology focuses on the divine Word and deed, while Marion articulates a "hyperessential" theology, overflowing conceptual boundaries in the "saturated phenomenon," manifested in Eucharistic bedazzlement. The thesis of this dissertation is that the Eucharistic site of Marion's theology can provide a supplement to Barth's meta-narrative, addressing the need for a sacramentally embodied Christology, enriching knowledge of how revelation is received. The caveat is: Marion's Eucharistic site can supplement Barth's meta-narrative only as it escapes, or supplants, Barth's "Nein" to natural theology.
요약 : Christology focuses greater similarity on Marion's theological "track," and difference along the philosophical. Marion contends his phenomenology "fits" with Barth's theology of revelation. In his phenomenology he endeavors to surpass Husserl by reducing phenomena to givenness, arguing for a "saturated phenomenon" of revelation, the highest instance of which is Jesus Christ. Barth's theology, however, begins with revelational embodiment in the "sacramental humanity" of Jesus Christ.
요약 : This study contextualizes the differences between Barth and Marion in the debate between Barth and Brunner on the legitimacy of natural theology. Two Christological case-studies focus similarity and difference: the annunciation and Virgin birth, and the resurrection and ascension. I conclude by comparing these thinkers on Christ's "presence" in the Eucharist. I argue that Marion's Eucharistic site can "supplement" Barth's sacramental theology, while Barth's theology will "give" to Marion neither unqualified affirmation, nor complete negation, but a dialectical response, resisting natural theology, wherever found, yet open to the "secular witness" of philosophy.
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