

Weapons of the Israelite monarchy- [e-book] : A catalogue with its linguistic and cross-cultural implications
Weapons of the Israelite monarchy- [e-book] : A catalogue with its linguistic and cross-cultural implications
Emery, Allan Comstock III
Weapons of the Israelite monarchy - [e-book] : A catalogue with its linguistic and cross-cultural implications / by Allan Comstock Emery, III.
Cambridge : Harvard University, 1999.
546 p.
Adviser: John Huehnergard.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Harvard University, 1999.
요약 : The dissertation is a catalogue of the artifacts of hand-held weapons which have been excavated in the southern Levant in Iron Age II contexts and which were published with an accompanying drawing or photograph. The intent has been to place in one easily accessible volume representations of every published hand-held weapon from the period and vicinity of the Israelite kingdoms for the purpose of comparison with future finds. To provide for greater usefulness, each artifact is reproduced, wherever possible, in its full dimensions.
요약 : The two larger chapters discuss the points of weapons (including a handle and butts associated with points) and the blades of weapons (including handles and a sheath associated with blades). The points and blades are catalogued first by shape and then by size. Every effort has been made to orient the artifacts in a consistent manner as suggested by W. M. Flinders Petrie in his 1917 volume on Tools and Weapons. A third and shorter chapter discusses scale armor, portions of helmets, sling stones, mace heads, a trident and a standard. These smaller and less frequently found items are catalogued by type and size, but not by shape.
요약 : Each plate has an accompanying summary index, noting provenance, the stratum when published, an approximate date of the stratum or tomb in which each item was found, a brief description of the immediate locus if known, the artifact's material composition when other than iron, and a numerical reference to the dissertation's database where bibliographic reference to description and original reproduction, dimensions, and other pertinent information for each artifact may be found in detail.
요약 : The final chapter includes a discussion of the names of the artifacts as found in Akkadian, Egyptian, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, Deir cAlla, and Hebrew texts. Observations drawn from the catalogue and some suggestions for future publication of such artifacts conclude the chapter.
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