

The Blessed Life- [e-book] : Theological interpretation and use of the beatitudes by Augustine, Calvin, and Barth
The Blessed Life- [e-book] : Theological interpretation and use of the beatitudes by Augustine, Calvin, and Barth
Quaintance, Chad
The Blessed Life - [e-book] : Theological interpretation and use of the beatitudes by Augustine, Calvin, and Barth / by Chad Quaintance
Richmond, Virginia : Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 2003.
352 p.
Adviser: Dawn DeVries.
Thesis (Ph.D.) : Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education, 2003.
요약 : The principal work or this dissertation is a close analysis of how Augustine, John Calvin, and Karl Barth dealt with the beatitudes. It examines how they interpreted the beatitudes in sermons and commentaries and how they used those interpretations in some of their better known works.
요약 : A close examination of how these three theologians interpreted and used the beatitudes offers two contributions. First, it contributes to overcoming the neglect of the history of interpreting the Sermon on the Mount. Second, it provides a test case for evaluating the characterization one contemporary writer offers of how Augustine and his successors tend to interpret or misinterpret the beatitudes. Ulrich Luz asserts that Augustine and his Protestant successors have tended to interpret the beatitudes in ways that emphasize the interior lives of Christians at the expense of focusing on the call to Christians to practice their faith in the world.
요약 : The thesis of this dissertation is that, contrary to the characterization Luz offers, Augustine, Calvin, and Barth each interprets the beatitudes to describe not only one's interior life, but also how Christians are called to practice their faith in the world. The thesis is developed in the dissertation's five chapters.
요약 : The first is "Locating the Dissertation: A Road Map to Recent Literature that Supports Recovering the History of Biblical Interpretation". It defines the dissertation's contributions in the light of a growing literature concerning the relationships between contemporary theology and the past and present interpretation of scripture.
요약 : The next three chapters are, respectively, explorations of how Augustine, Calvin, and Barth interpreted the beatitudes in sermons and commentaries. It also explores how they used them in other important works. For example, it shows important use of the beatitudes in Augustine's Teaching Christianity and Confessions.
요약 : The concluding chapter is essentially comparative: "Three Reflections of the Light of One Text". It summarizes and analyzes similarities and differences in the theological interpretation and use of the beatitudes by Augustine, Calvin, and Barth. In doing so, it draws together the evidence that demonstrates the inadequacy of Luz's characterization of an “internalizing” tendency in their interpretations of the beatitudes.
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