

Not our own- [e-book] : Christians and the paradox of economic freedom
Not our own- [e-book] : Christians and the paradox of economic freedom
Blanchard, Kathryn D'Arcy.
Not our own - [e-book] : Christians and the paradox of economic freedom
Durham : Duke University, 2006.
269 p.
Adviser: Stanley Hauerwas.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Duke University, 2006.
요약 : Almost any Christian would likely agree that a good economy is one that respects and fosters human "freedom". Beyond this point, however, the conversation becomes murkier. It demands answers to the prior questions: Freedom for what? Freedom from what? and most importantly, Freedom for whom? If not answered truthfully, these questions cannot lead to a humane economy in which human beings can flourish.
요약 : This dissertation argues that a humane economy must be based on an understanding of human freedom that is rooted in a true narrative about human nature. The Christian theology of John Calvin (1509-1564) provides an exemplary model for economic thought that is built around freedom while doing justice to the human being, who is narrated as created in God's image, fallen, and redeemed through Christ. Calvinist economics demands that humans be free to love God, to make use of God's good gifts, and to serve their neighbors with all of their possessions—in short, to be fully human. By another name, Calvin calls this kind of freedom "obedience" (albeit willing and joyful) to the God who created humans and adopted them as beloved children.
요약 : In contrast, the late-20th century "Chicago School" of economics reduces the human to a rational maximizing actor whose sole motivation in life is self-interest, or the pursuit of utility. Freedom for the "economic man" is limited to the power to choose from among given options. Such a model purports to offer no ethical guidance for the structuring of human societies; nevertheless it does so by making self-interest the sole norm for rationality, efficiency, and development. If the human individual is autonomous, obedience to oneself is alone demanded.
요약 : A Christian vision for a humane economy must eschew any "universal" neo-liberal norm of freedom and embrace the historically-conditioned norm that the Christian tradition offers, namely Christ, who did not use godly freedom as an opportunity for self-satisfaction but rather for self-sacrificial love. Such other-interest is not a mere "preference"; it is a traditioned, particular model that is more heuristically useful for economics (because more complete in its anthropology) than the self-interest of the economic person.
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T0001530 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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