

How should we then help- [e-book]
How should we then help- [e-book]
Russell, Terry Jay.
How should we then help - [e-book] / Seeking a shared solution from disparate perceptions
Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, 1995.
192 p.
Adviser: Gary Koeske.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Pittsburgh, 1995.
요약 : This study investigates the existence of a disparity of perceptions within society, and measures the degree of support for a change-based approach to public policy. Three perceptions regarding people in need of public welfare assistance are compared, an individualistic perception in which needy individuals are more responsible, a societal perception in which others are more responsible, and a fatalistic perception in which neither the needy person nor others are responsible.
요약 : Three approaches to public welfare policy are compared, policies based on whether a person needs help, deserves help, or whether help is producing positive change. The acceptability of a change-based approach, and possibility of a consensus for it, is examined. The problem is identified as a disparity in how different factions perceive the causes of being in need of welfare assistance, the solution is identified as a broad consensus for a change-based approach in spite of the problem of disparate perceptions.
요약 : In phase A it is found by ANOVA and path analysis that there is evidence of a disparity of perceptions, with differences in political identity having the main signifiant effect $(p .01)$ on this disparity. Respondents with more conservative political identifications were likely to favor individualistic perceptions, those with more liberal political identifications were likely to favor societal perceptions. Other variables in the model, race, gender, age, SES, religious Christian values, entrepreneurial values, and the respondent's academic program were not found to have a signifiant effect on this disparity.
요약 : It is found by ANOVA that agreement with the change-based approach is significantly greater $(p .01)$ than that far either the deserve-based or need-based policy approaches. In an exploratory path analysis of the factors contributing to increased agreement with the change-based policy approach, it is found that the largest effect on increased agreement comes from an increase in religious Christian values, as measured by the Rokeach Value Survey. Individualistic perception has a signifiant positive effect on agreement with the change-based approach, while societal perception has a significant negative effect.
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University of Pittsburgh.
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등록번호 청구기호 소장처 대출가능여부 대출정보
T0002299 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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