

The ethic of care and Christian education: Implications for the theory and practice of Christian education- [e-book]
The ethic of care and Christian education: Implications for the theory and practice of Christian education- [e-book]
Kuentzel, John Douglas.
The ethic of care and Christian education: Implications for the theory and practice of Christian education - [e-book]
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton Theological Seminary, 1999.
423 p.
Adviser: James E. Loder.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Princeton Theological Seminary, 1999.
요약 : The dissertation affirms the positive place assigned by Don S. Browning to ethics in considerations of the theory and practice of Christian education, but questions his prescription of a non-confessional, deontological ethics for that. In seeking to generate an alternative ethics for practical theology and the practice of Christian education, the conceptuality of the ethic of care is taken from the work of Carol Gilligan, who delineated the phenomenon of care empirically as a sensitivity to the concerns of particular others and to the wider context of those concerns. Yet because this is an empirical determination, the conclusion of an inductive method, Gilligan does not provide the kinds of justifications that are needed for the systematization of an ethics; she does not answer the question, Why care? On the way to such justification, appeal is made to Heidegger's early conception of care as fundamentally constitutive of human being for the ontological basis of care; Gilligan's research and conclusions are viewed in the light of this Heideggerian formulation. Yet Heidegger, preoccupied as he is with fundamental ontology, does not answer the question, Why care? either. The temporal structure of care as discerned by Heidegger thus gets transposed into a theological and explicitly confessional key as Moltmann's understandings of promise and history, the pathos of God, and the life-affirming fellowship in the community of faith whose model is the trinitarian perichoretic relationality are taken up. The answer to the question, Why care? lies in the passionate love of God for humankind and for the world, manifest in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That which affirms and enhances life under the eschatological promise of new life gives the indication for an ethic of care as a theological ethic. The theoretical and practical implications of this ethic of care for the work of the Christian educator are then elaborated by way of appeal to Thomas Groome's understanding of the metapurpose of Christian education as an educating for the reign of God and to Paulo Freire's notions of “humanization” and “respect.”
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Princeton Theological Seminary.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 60-05A.
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