

Part Four of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church", "Christian prayer"- [e-book] : Resource for contemporary spirituality
Part Four of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church", "Christian prayer"- [e-book] : Resource for contemporary spirituality
Stukey, M. Rita.
Part Four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Christian prayer - [e-book] : Resource for contemporary spirituality
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America, 1997.
271 p.
Director: James A. Wiseman.
Thesis (D.Min.)--The Catholic University of America, 1997.
요약 : A premise is that the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Part Four, in particular, can help prepare believers to exercise a prophetic voice in today's world to focus the light of the gospel on contemporary issues. Its central thesis is that if the impact of the Catechism is to be fully experienced it will be due, precisely, to its spiritual power. Part Four, specifically, as it derives from liturgical prayer, can serve as a faithful and living reservoir for authentic contemporary spirituality.
요약 : The primary concept underlying the project in ministry is to present Part Four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a viable resource in contemporary spirituality for adult learners through a course designed to blend academic content on the nature of private prayer with the application of that content to students' lives.
요약 : The project consists of five chapters. Chapter One addresses the pastoral problem of spiritual depletion in contemporary society and suggests that careful integration and application of the CCC's teachings on prayer could be one positive step toward healing today's broken spiritual ecology. Chapter Two presents the purpose and general structure of the Catechism, highlights the influence of the East on the CCC's Part Four, and comments on the text's treatment of the life of prayer. Chapter Three explores the contemporary significance of the Catechism and provides a brief overview of present-day adult religious education. Chapter Four, the project in ministry, presents the course sessions and an evaluation of the project. Chapter Five concludes the study by indicating that the implementation of the documents of Vatican II--a renewed liturgy, a greater sense of the universal call to holiness, a fuller participation in the Church's mission and a keener appreciation of the relevance of the Church's message to the social issues of the contemporary world--provides the context for religious education in the third millennium.
요약 : The theme of this study is that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a timely gift to the Church of the West as it approaches a new millennium. For those who look to the Catechism as a source of growth in the Christian life, it is possible and even appropriate to use it as a source of inspiration.
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The Catholic University of America.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 59-04A.
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