

The dark side of life- [e-book] : A comparative study of dukkha and sin
The dark side of life- [e-book] : A comparative study of dukkha and sin
Fonner, Michael Gerald.
The dark side of life - [e-book] : A comparative study of dukkha and sin
Cambridge : Harvard Divinity School, 1998.
277 p.
Thesis (Th.D.)--Harvard Divinity School, 1998.
요약 : Both Buddhism and Christianity offer understandings of the world and salvation that include the nature of wrong or problem, what is metaphorically called, the dark side of life. Sensing an intuition of a connection the concepts that operate analogously in these soteriologies to designate wrong are dukkha and sin. This dissertation is a comparative study of dukkha in Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga, especially the panna section, and sin in Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics, especially the Doctrine of Reconciliation. The thesis is that these terms individually offer valuable perspectives on soteriological wrong but when read together, dialectically, our understandings broaden and new truths are forged.
요약 : The contributions to scholarship are four. Understandings of Buddhaghosa and Barth, and the Visuddhimagga and Church Dogmatics, are advanced. Interreligious dialogue is encouraged to consider religious traditions' so-called 'conservative' voices which highlight differences. For the comparative study of religion the dark side of life is proposed as a loosely defined rubric under which notions of soteriological wrong can be examined; also, the conversational methodology strives for 'objective as possible' textual readings. Last, as a study in comparative soteriology this dissertation explores diverse meanings and truths in the field of salvation studies.
요약 : The integrity of our terms is preserved throughout. Careful reading discloses our texts' many perspectives just as creative syntheses push in novel directions. Dialectical understanding broadens what we know of the reality of life's dark side.
요약 : These meanings are brought together with dukkha supplementing sin in an enlarged understanding of soteriological wrong. Around four dialectical pairs--problem first/goal first, explicable/inexplicable, abstractions/physicality, theocentric/anthropocentric--proposals of truth about the dark side of life are offered.
요약 : Under the rubric of life's dark side a question-and-answer hermeneutical methodology facilitates a conversation between these texts around three kinds of meaning: contextual, central, and functional. The first locates the terms within their webs of meaning, seeing how context contributes to understanding. Central meaning examines notions of source, manifestation, and scope, what dukkha and sin 'look like.' Functional meaning refers to soteriological implications, the ways in which salvation is implied in our terms.
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Harvard Divinity School.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 59-04A.
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