

Increasing like the moon- [e-book] : Structure and meaning in medieval Mary legends
Increasing like the moon- [e-book] : Structure and meaning in medieval Mary legends
Kramer-Rolls, Dana Diana.
Increasing like the moon - [e-book] : Structure and meaning in medieval Mary legends
Berkeley : Graduate Theological Union, 2000.
278 p.
Coordinator: Arthur G. Hoeder.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Graduate Theological Union, 2000.
요약 : Because of the high degree of conservative uniformity it was possible to draw a database of medieval Marian legends written from the twelfth to fifteenth century. A proposed "Mary legend" surface narrative structure, based on the theories of Vladimir Propp, has seventeen functions and seven character roles. The goodness of fit for the sample is more than 67%. Those tales that did not fit were memorates, fit a shorter structure based on a Dundes scheme, or represented another sub-genre (fable, novella, romance). The Mary Legend formula discloses a high coherence with Propp's heroic fairy tales. Fairy tale structure and motifs about the Marvelous present in the Mary legends (ghosts, magic, dreams, and otherworldly journeys) contain an inherent bivalency between doctrinal notions, which promulgate religious conformation, and folk or secular notions, which preserve magical belief systems. A suggested cultural model describes how the dynamic between these two streams establishes a cultural equilibrium. One, a centripetal force, uses orthodox and pietistic notions symbolically imbedded in these motifs to pattern obedience to doctrine through Marian devotion. The other, a centrifugal force, draws the hearer or reader out into the secular world of folk notions, imaginative literary themes, and subversive adherence to Mary as a magic worker, using the folk and magic elements suggested by these motifs. Taken together they serve to stabilize the local culture, allowing for safe amelioration of popular folk beliefs into a Christian society. However during times of social crisis, this cooperative system breaks down, and attempts are made by the institutional church to eliminate folk beliefs.
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