

A comparative analysis of economic deprivation among United States never-married female-headed households- [e-book]
A comparative analysis of economic deprivation among United States never-married female-headed households- [e-book]
Lee, Yongwoo.
A comparative analysis of economic deprivation among United States never-married female-headed households - [e-book]
St. Louis : Washington University in St. Louis, 2005.
171 p.
Chair: Martha N. Ozawa.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Washington University in St. Louis, 2005.
요약 : Contrary to a substantive body of research on economic hardship facing overall female-headed households, the research tends to overlook a substantial amount of diversity among them. Particularly, never-married single-mother families have been reported as the most impoverished and one of the most rapidly increasing segments of the population. Accordingly, little research effort on reasons for the greater economic vulnerability of never-married female-headed households would bring about considerable societal costs.
요약 : The findings of the study revealed that the lower economic status of U.S. never-married female-headed households compared to that of their contemporaries in other Western industrialized countries are closely related to much lower levels of employment-supportive policies and public cash transfers in the U.S., relative to those in other countries. Although the poorer economic outcomes of U.S. never-married single-mother families compared to other types of their contemporaries in the U.S., especially separated counterparts, are in part attributable to less favorable individual characteristics of the mother (e.g. younger age, lower education level, and greater likelihood of being Black, working at low-paying occupations, and working part-year either full-time or part-time), their comparatively lower economic position is substantially related to the lower level of private transfers (e.g. child support payments and alimony) and public transfers they received.
요약 : These results have implications for society's efforts to relieve economic deprivation confronting many U.S. never-married female-headed households by demonstrating that fundamental factors explaining for their disproportionately greater economic hardship are related to low levels of public support for them, rather than to the female heads' personal qualities.
요약 : To fill the gap, thus, the study aimed to investigate important factors relating to the poorer economic outcomes of never-married female-headed households in the U.S., by comparing them with their counterparts in other Western industrialized countries and by comparing them with other types of female-headed households in the U.S.
요약 : To this end, the study identified 3,378 never-married female-headed household from 14 countries, using data from the Luxembourg Income Study, for its cross-national comparative analyses, while it identified 6,639 single-mother families in the U.S. for its within-U.S. comparative analyses, using data from the Annual Demographic File of 2002 Current Population Survey.
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Washington University in St. Louis.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 66-10A.
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T0001873 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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