

A missioning care model for the US Foursquare Gospel Church missionary member care system- [e-book]
A missioning care model for the US Foursquare Gospel Church missionary member care system- [e-book]
Mathis, Rick Dean.
A missioning care model for the US Foursquare Gospel Church missionary member care system - [e-book]
Pasadena : Fuller Theological Seminary, 2011.
329 p.
Adviser: Judith M. Tiersma.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies, 2011.
요약 : Other study contributions include fresh perspectives, new definitions, and a better methodology for grounding member care's interdisciplinary professional research and activities than the leading definition of member care and its prevailing good practices methodology.
요약 : The study achieves its purpose by inducing a theoretical model of the Church's MMC system (MMC relationships, MMC caregivers, MMC practices, essential systemic properties, and missions ethos) and a clear demonstration of how to use the model to recommend improvements in the Church's MMC system to enhance member care outcomes.
요약 : The study's central purpose is to identify and define the major systemic components and their critical elements of the US Foursquare Gospel Church missionary member care (MMC) system that concern the relationship between the Church's missions ethos and MMC practices in order to improve the Church's MMC system.
요약 : The study's significant contribution is the analytical generalization of a missioning care model of an organization MMC system that benefits member care scholarship by specifying: (1) the five significant components of a mission organization MMC system at a generic level of nomenclature and meaning so that others may see if the model works elsewhere and potentially develop better understandings of MMC; (2) a new research methodology for discovering a mission organization's unique, God-inspired calling and institutional identity, its missions ethos; (3) how to make the concept of missions ethos beneficial to MMC scholarship by enhancing member care outcomes; (4) an analytical framework to describe and assess individual mission organization MMC systems; (5) a sensible, theoretically well-grounded framework for comparing and contrasting the MMC systems of different mission organizations; and (6) a more organic, contextually sensitive, holistic, and realistic paradigm for member care than current member care models and definitions.
기타 저자  
Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies School of Intercultural Studies
Dissertation Abstracts International. 73-04A.
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