

The reformation of the saints- [e-book] : Biblical interpretation and moral regulation in John Calvin's commentary and sermons on Genesis
The reformation of the saints- [e-book] : Biblical interpretation and moral regulation in John Calvin's commentary and sermons on Genesis
Marcuse, Deborah K.
The reformation of the saints - [e-book] : Biblical interpretation and moral regulation in John Calvins commentary and sermons on Genesis
Durham : Duke University, 2005.
258 p.
Supervisor: David C. Steinmetz.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Duke University, 2005.
요약 : I use this analysis of Calvin's exegetical reformation of the saints as the foundation for three broader arguments. First, I contend that Calvin, like Luther before him, engaged in a simultaneous construction and deconstruction of sainthood and sanctity, both appropriating and seeking to overturn traditional Christian theories and practices of the holy life. Second, I argue that these redefinitions of sainthood and sanctity may suggest some answers to the question of whether and to what extent a theory of Protestant asceticism may illumine important aspects of Calvin's theory and practice of the Christian life. Third, I argue that Calvin's deployment of his reformed biblical saints as both positive and negative exemplars of discipline and the Christian life demonstrates the important role played by biblical interpretation in elaborating and justifying moral regulation. In doing so I suggest some of the particular contours of interpretation's regulatory implications in sixteenth-century Geneva.
요약 : In this dissertation I offer an interpretation of John Calvin as reader of scripture that demonstrates some of the ways in which sixteenth-century exegesis functioned to construct and to justify the reformation of Christian society. In particular, I explore intersections of biblical interpretation and moral regulation in Calvin's readings of the book of Genesis. My focus is on Calvin's treatment of various passages in Genesis that deal with the sorts of issues that arose in typical cases that came before the Genevan consistory, involving problems of "sexual irregularity and disrespect for authority." Chapter Two takes up Calvin's reading of Genesis 16, Chapter Three explores his reading of the "holy households" of Abraham and Lot in Genesis 18 and 19, and Chapter Four takes up his interpretation of the destruction of Sodom in Genesis 19. Through a close analysis of Calvin's reading strategies alongside those of two of his most influential predecessors---Martin Luther and John Chrysostom---I demonstrate that Calvin, in his reading of scripture, undertakes a reformation of the biblical saints of the Old Testament, and then deploys these reformed saints in an attempt to re-form his readers and hearers in line with his vision of the church as the communion of saints.
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Duke University.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 66-10A.
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T0001952 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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