

Increasing the knowledge of evangelism among international groups- [electronic resource: e-book]
Increasing the knowledge of evangelism among international groups- [electronic resource: e-book]
Ahibuogwu, Solomon Uche.
Increasing the knowledge of evangelism among international groups - [electronic resource: e-book] / by Solomon Uche Ahibuogwu
Tulsa : Oral Roberts University, 2013.
175 p.
Adviser: Brad Young.
Thesis(Doctoral) - - Oral Roberts University, 2013.
요약 : Findings and conclusions: From the data collected, analyzed, and interpreted, it was concluded that conducting the seminar through teaching impacted the believers and increased their knowledge of evangelism, particularly the power and work of the Holy Spirit. There was an overall growth in the characteristics necessary to increase the participants' involvement and effectiveness in sharing the Gospel. This increased knowledge could alleviate fears and empower them to reach out more aggressively to their communities and evangelize the lost with the hope of great success. The following recommendations are made on improving the project: (1) class lesson time to be at least one hour, (2) seminar teaching period to be at least two weekends of two days each, (3) control group to be included in the measurement, and (4) time to be allocated for practical training in the field. It is also recommended that an additional project be developed in the area of discipleship, as it is an important aspect of the responsibility of the believer.
요약 : Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of this research project is to increase the knowledge of evangelism among the believers of the Kingdom Living Connect Group of Victory Christian Center and empower them to reach the lost and unbelievers in their communities with the glorious Gospel of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was also designed to increase participants' awareness that all believers are called to evangelize the world because they have been given the ministry of reconciliation by God. In order to achieve this purpose, the researcher designed and implemented a two-day teaching seminar with ten selected participants. Pretest and posttest questionnaires were administered to the participants before and after the teaching seminar to measure the level of knowledge increase.
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T0002063 DT  Ahibuogwu, Solomon Uche. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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