

Marian Doctrines: A comparison between Karl Rahner, S.J. and Leonardo Boff- [e-book]
Marian Doctrines: A comparison between Karl Rahner, S.J. and Leonardo Boff- [e-book]
Ames, John Joseph.
Marian Doctrines: A comparison between Karl Rahner, S.J. and Leonardo Boff - [e-book]
Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America, 1995.
372 p.
Director: Peter C. Phan.
Thesis (S.T.D.)--The Catholic University of America, 1995.
요약 : At the Second Vatican Council mariology was a most debated issue. Prior to discussion about the content of a document concerning Mary, the council deliberated about the placement of a marian document. Some at the council urged that Mary be treated within a document on the church. Others pressed for a separate document which would treat solely of Mary. After the closest of any conciliar votes, it was determined that Mary would be treated in Chapter 8 of the document on the church (Lumen Gentium).
요약 : Chapter two examines the significance of the placement of the council's treatment on Mary as well as the content. The chapter demonstrates how scholars have derived four criteria from conciliar teaching for a proper elaboration of marian doctrine and devotion. The council directed subsequent marian devotion to be: christological, ecclesiological, ecumenically sensitive and scriptural. Chapters three and four examine the mariologies of Karl Rahner and Leonardo Boff, respectively. Chapter V compares the mariologies of Rahner and Boff. Chapter VI evaluates the mariologies of Rahner and Boff based on the criteria established by the Second Vatican Council. Chapter VII explores the future of Roman Catholic mariology.
요약 : Karl Rahner is regarded as one of the influential theologians of the 20th century. Leonardo Boff is recognized as an articulate representative of Latin American Liberation Theology. Among the vast array of theological topics that Rahner and Boff have addressed is mariology. Rahner's fundamental principle of mariology is that Mary is the perfectly redeemed human being. Boff proposes a theologoumenon that the Holy Spirit and Mary are hypostatically united. As a result, Mary is the revelation of the feminine dimension of God. Both have offered interpretations of the dogmas of Mary's Immaculate Conception and Assumption into heaven, and the doctrines of Mary's perpetual virginity and mediation of grace in the context of their fundamental principles.
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The Catholic University of America.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 56-02A.
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