

Recasting inerrancy- [e-book] : The doctrine of Scripture in Carl Henry and the Old Princeton School
Recasting inerrancy- [e-book] : The doctrine of Scripture in Carl Henry and the Old Princeton School
Coon, George Michael.
Recasting inerrancy - [e-book] : The doctrine of Scripture in Carl Henry and the Old Princeton School
Toronto : University of St. Michael's College (Canada), 2009.
255 p.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of St. Michael's College (Canada), 2009.
요약 : In Chapter 2, I detail the doctrine of Scripture in the Old Princeton School, focusing on the work of Charles Hodge and B. B. Warfield, with whom the inerrantist position reached its fullest expression. In Chapter 3, I consider the work of J. Gresham Machen, who sought to locate inerrancy in a fuller theological context. Machen represents a "recasting" of inerrancy in which formal statements of Bibliology are de-emphasized and located more appropriately on the theological hierarchy of truths.
요약 : In Chapter 4, I analyze the doctrine of Scripture in Carl Henry, whose treatment of inerrancy supersedes that of his fellow inerrantists. Henry affirmed inerrancy, yet he understood that inerrancy alone was not an adequate foundation for orthodoxy. With this realization, Henry avoids making inerrancy a test of faith, and he even predicates inerrancy on the more crucial doctrines of biblical authority and inspiration.
요약 : In Chapter 5, a way forward for the inerrantist tradition is discussed, including a brief overview of more recent treatments of the subject. Present proposals are brought into conversation with the primary interlocutors of the previous chapters, and the question of the viability of the inerrantist tradition is raised. The thesis then concludes with a brief review of the content of each chapter.
요약 : In the Introduction, I describe the need for this investigation, offer a definition of an "inerrantist position on Scripture," and describe the methods and procedures for the thesis. In Chapter 1, I trace the development of inerrancy from the Reformation notion of Sola Scriptura, through the Protestant Scholastic focus on Bibliology, to the effect of the Enlightenment on the doctrine of Scripture.
요약 : The purpose of this thesis is to investigate evangelical inerrantism with specific attention to the doctrine of Scripture in Carl Henry and the theologians of the Old Princeton School. While nearly all affirmations of Scripture's inerrancy share basic similarities, the best articulations of the inerrantist position have undergone development in order to address contemporary theological concerns. As such, adherents to the inerrantist tradition have offered significant theological insights to the Christian community concerning the doctrine of Scripture.
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University of St. Michael's College (Canada).
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