

Jesus only: The early life and Presbyterian ministry of Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1843-1881- [e-book]
Jesus only: The early life and Presbyterian ministry of Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1843-1881- [e-book]
Reid, Darrel Robert.
Jesus only: The early life and Presbyterian ministry of Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1843-1881 - [e-book]
Kingston, ON : Queen's University (Canada), 1994.
472 p.
Adviser: G. Rawlyk.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 55-09, Section: A, page: 2955.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Queen's University (Canada), 1994.
요약 : As with many of his Presbyterian contemporaries, Simpson was an advocate of interdenominational cooperation, and participated eagerly in a number of these, particularly Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.), where he was drawn to its themes of lay piety and aggressive evangelism, and where he was introduced to the sanctification teachings of Dwight L. Moody and others associated with the movement.
요약 : Simpson's movement into the Holiness sphere received a strong push from the Whittle-Bliss revival of 1875 in Louisville, and thereafter sought, with only moderate success, to merge the ideals of innovative and aggressive mass urban evangelism with those of his more conservative Presbyterian charges. Simpson left the Presbyterian church for an independent evangelistic ministry when he became convinced that these two themes could not be reconciled.
요약 : This dissertation examines the early life and Presbyterian ministry of Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919), who has been best known for his founding and leadership of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, a nondenominational Holiness-oriented society which proclaimed a "fourfold gospel" of Jesus Christ as "Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King." Simpson's biographers have portrayed his life primarily in Holiness terms, seeing his early life and influences as prolegomena to the pivotal event of his life: the "second conversion" or "sanctification" experience which empowered his ministry and led, among other things, to his distinctive teachings and the birth of the Alliance. The problem with this approach is that it fails to deal with Simpson's "pre-sanctification" life on its own terms, and largely ignores the broader evangelical influences at work during this period of his life.
요약 : This dissertation seeks to fill a gaping hole in the Simpson historiography by examining that little-known part of his life from his birth in 1843 to 1881, when he left the Presbyterian church for an independent evangelistic ministry. It contends that Simpson was an eager participant in the evangelical world of the mid- to late-nineteenth century. During his education at Knox College, Toronto, Simpson received in distilled form the committed, confident outward looking Evangelicalism of Canadian Secessionist-Free Church Presbyterianism, and drank deeply of its ideals, successfully putting them into practice in his pastorates in Hamilton, Louisville, Kentucky and New York.
요약 : Those seeking to understand Simpson's transition from Presbyterian clergyman to independent Holiness evangelist must look beyond the gradual development of Holiness doctrines to his evangelical heritage and education, the idealism, activism and themes of his Presbyterian ministry, and more personal factors: the turbulence of his family life and his own intense and restless character.
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Queen's University (Canada).
Dissertation Abstracts International. 55-09A.
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